

today i want to make a big dinner. first i have to buy a lot of things.then i have to wash them.that is very diffecult .at the moment i can cook them .i oil drain(放油)first .next i oil the vegetables. i must very carful .because it is very danger (危险).i pick up the turning shovel(锅铲)to saute(炒菜).ten minuts ago ,i can dish up(装盘)finally i can eat them.mmu,it is delicious.
第1个回答  2011-11-20
First you make the dough by mixing water into the flour. The container shculd be big enough lest the flour and water will overflow. Press the dough with your hands till it is not sticky. When the dough is ready, leave it there for use later, then go on to make the fillings.
The second step is to mince the meat, mushrooms and shrimps till they are mixed in a paste. Add some spice such as ginger and onion and stir them evenly.
The third step is to make the wrappings. Roll the dough with a round stick into small round pieces of wrappings, each two inches in diameter.
The fourth step is to put the fillings in the middle of a wrapping. Then press the wrapping tight and a jiaozi is ready. When you have made enough Jiaozi, the next step is to boil them.
That is the last step. Put a pot of water on the stove. When the water is boiling, put the Jiaozi one by one into the water and cover the pot. When steam comes out, add more cold water and when it boils again add cold water a second time. When you see the Jiaozi floating in boiling water, you can put them in bowls or plates, get the chopsticks and be ready to eat.
第2个回答  2011-11-19
How to cook rice?

First, rinse the rice in water to get rid of excess starch. For every cup of rice, add 1 1/2 cups water.

And then, bring the rice to boil, uncovered, at medium heat. When boiling, turn the heat down to medium low.

Next, place the lid on the pot, keeping it tilted to allow steam to escape. When you can see holes or "craters" in the rice, put the lid on tight and turn the heat to low.

Finally, simmer for another 15 minutes and fluff up rice and serve.追问

可不可以翻译一遍? 我大概看的懂。。。




第3个回答  2011-11-19
First,we should clean the vagetables

that we choose,and cut all of tnem ,

Then put them into the pan,

Next use oil and seasonings to cooking

these vagetables ,

finally you finish some wonderful dishes追问



how to make a fruit salad
I love snacking on fruits so i will take the opportunity to show you how I make my favorite fruit salad.
all you need are a cup of fresh strawberries, a handful of blueberries, a half cup of blackberries,if they are in season, a table spoon of sour cream and some whipped cream.
all you need is to slice the strawberries, mixing them up with all other ingredients and bang, the fruit salad it ready to be served.