
The reviews for The Lord of the Rings are very different! In the newspaper they said that it was excellent,and that the special effects were terrific. They said it was exciting ,and the battles were frightening .However,on the radio they said it was very disappointing. They agree that the spcial effects were fantastic,but they said the battles weren't frightening at all because they were badly done. The radio reviewer said the film was too long ,and it became boring.

But my friends went to see it and said it was an enjoyable film .though it was long.They said the beginning was boring ,but it got better later on .They said that they liked the battles,and they agreed the special effects were fantastic.

Elijah Wood is a good actor but the newspaper review didn't like him.It said that his scenes weren't interesting .it siad that Ian McKellen was much better.And that his scenes were great.On the other hand the radio reviewer said Elijah Wood was excellent,and that his scenes were the best in the film.

It's very confusing , so there is one thing to do .I'm going to see the film and then i'll know what is really like.

审查的指环王有很大的不同!他们在报纸上说,这是出色的,而且是了不起的特殊效果。他们说,这是激动人心的,而战斗的可怕。然而,在电台上,他们说,这是非常令人失望。他们一致认为, spcial效果出色,但他们说,战争不是可怕的,因为他们急需要做。电台评论说,这部电影太长,很无聊。
第1个回答  2009-05-04
