

人生中会有弯道与挫折,然而正是人生中难以预料的弯道成就了不平凡的人生。 福楼拜曾对莫泊桑说过:“天才无非是忍耐”。大写的人又怎能逃脱苦难的磨砺?在困境中抓住机遇,迎接挑战,铸就人生的不屈与辉煌,何足畏哉?抓住机遇也是成功的条件之一。学海茫茫,没个人都应当找到适合自己的机遇。要抓住机遇,抓住生存的方法,因为天上是不会掉馅饼的。其实有些人并不知道,失去一个机遇会是多么重要,所以没注意眼前的一切,生命中的一切,然而更没有人感觉到的是每个人的生命都泛着光,而机遇则是让光从现的东西,没了机遇,生命将死气沉沉。 把握机遇,永不放弃,直到成功的那一天! Life will have corners and setbacks, yet it is life unexpected corners achievement an extraordinary life. Flaubert had told maupassant said: "genius is nothing but patience." How will you escape capital and the suffering of hone? In difficulties seize the opportunities and meet the challenges, casts the unyielding life with brilliant, how terrible zai foot? Seize the opportunity is one of the conditions of success in. Xuehai boundless, no individual shall find suitable opportunity. To seize the opportunity, seize the survival method, because heaven is can't drop pie. Actually, some people don't know, lose a opportunities will is how important, so he didn't notice sight everything in life, everything, however more no person feel is everyone's life is exuding the light, and opportunity is where the light from the things, and no opportunities will life morgue. Grasp the opportunity, never give up until that the success of day! 可能写的多了些,但是你可以根据中文剪切一些!满意请采纳!