leave 的用法

please don't leave water ()while you brush your teeth.(用run填)还有一个疑惑的是:为什么water前面8加定冠词the有谁愿意帮帮我!!!!!!!!!!谢谢!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. 离开,离去;从…走开;脱离: 例句: He has left Beijing for London.
他已经离开北京到伦敦去了。 He left his hometown and looked for a job in town.
他离开家乡到城里找工作。 2. 留;剩下: 例句: She left some of the food for her husband.
她给丈夫留了一些吃的。 3. 留下;将…留下: 例句: The secretary asked him to leave his telephone number.
秘书要他把电话号码留下来。 4. (死后或离开后)把…留给;遗赠给: 例句: His uncle left $10 000 in the will.
他舅舅在遗嘱中留下10 000美元。 5. 死后留下;遗留下: 例句: He left a widow and two children.
他死后撇下寡妻和两个孩子。 6. 留下;丢下;忘带: 例句: I left my dictionary in the library.
我把词典丢在图书馆里了。 7. 委托;交托;交由…照管: 例句: You'd better leave this up to me.
你最好把这件事交给我办吧。 He left his son to his sister.
他把儿子交由他姐姐照管。 8. 搁置;不管;忽略;暂不解决: 例句: We'll leave this item till the next meeting.
我们把这个议题放到下次会议讨论。 9. 辞去(工作);舍弃;停止;拒绝: 例句: take it or leave it
取舍悉听尊便 He left medicine for law.
他放弃医学改学法律。 10. 剩余;剩下: 例句: 3 from 7 leaves 4.
7减3余4。 15 minus 5 leaves 10.
15减5得10。 11. 使…处于(某种状态);听任;让: 例句: Leave the windows open. It's so stuffy here.
让窗子开着,这儿太闷热了。 The earthquake left them homeless.
地震让他们无家可归。 12. [方言、俚语]让;允许: 例句: Leave them go.
让他们走。 vi. 离去,离开;出发,动身: 例句: When we got to the railway station, the train had left.
我们到火车站时,火车已经开走了。 He leaves for work at 7 every morning.
他每天早上7点钟离家去上班。 短语 1. be(或get)(nicely) left
a. [口语] b. 被击败;遭遗弃 c. 受骗,上当 2. be left for dead被认为已死亡而舍弃;…被认为无可救药 3. be left with给留下…;被剩下… 4. be well left得大笔遗产 5. leave a strip[俚语]突然刹车;突然减速 6. leave go (或 loose)of something[口语]松手放开…;撒手;舍弃… 7. leave hold of松手;放开 8. leave in the air搁置;暂不解决 9. leave it at that[口语]行啦;就这样好了;到此为止吧 10. leave it out停止(吵闹、咒骂、抱怨等);得啦;别吵啦 11. leave much (或 a lot, a great deal) to be desired极不完善;还有待改进 12. leave no avenue unexplored想尽一切办法;探索各种途径 13. leave no means untried用尽一切方法 14. leave nothing to be desired完美无缺 15. leave nothing unsaid和盘托出 16. leave one holding the sack让某人背黑锅 17. leave one's affairs in order把某人的事理顺 18. leave out of account (或 consideration, reckoning)不加考虑;不去注意 19. leave someone flat断然抛弃某人;突然离开某人 20. leave someone (或something) in someone's care (或 charge)把某人(或某物)交由某人照管 21. leave (someone 或 something) standing[俚语]远远超过(某人或某物);大大优于(某人或某物) 22. leave (或 give) someone the bag to hold
a. 让某人担全部责任;把责任推给某人 b. 让某人一无所有 23. leave someone to himself (或 to his own devices, to his own resources, to sink or swim)听其自然;任其自由行动;听任某人自行其是;对某人不加干涉 24. leave someone to it[口语]听任某人自己做某事;让某人自个儿继续做某事 25. leave something as it is听其自然;听任某事自然发展 26. leave something to be desired尚不令人满意;不够完美 27. leave something to chance让某事去碰运气 28. leave visiting cards[英国俚语](飞机)投弹 29. leave (或 let) well (enough) alone知足;满足现状;不要去管;不要弄巧成拙 30. leave word at留下口信;在…留言 31. leave word for为…留言 32. to be left until called for(邮件等)留局待领。
第1个回答  2013-09-12
leave 可以直接加名词 离开某地 或留下某物

1 leave for
We'll leave for Guangzhou by plane.
离开(某人)以同(他人)生活在一起; 离开(某职位)以寻求
He left his wife for a worthless actress.

2 leave off
停止(做)某事, 戒掉
The rain left off at daybreak.

3 leave on
1 让…留在原处
She left her hat on.
2 让(火)燃着, 让…开着
Don't leave the light on when you go out.
出去时, 请关灯。

4 leave out
遗漏, 省略, 删去; 未顾及, 忽略
He left that part of the speech out.

5 leave over
留下, 剩下, 剩余
No food has been left over after the meal.
延后, 推迟, (暂时搁置)留待以后处理
I will leave my homework over until tomorrow.

不知道这些够不够? 希望楼主满意!
第2个回答  2020-12-18


第3个回答  2013-09-13
第4个回答  2013-09-13
Please don't leave water ()while you brush your teeth.(用run填)还有一个疑惑的是:为什么water前面8加定冠词therunning water 是一个不可数名词,而不可数名词表类别时不用加定冠词the.如:I prefer coffee to milk.本回答被网友采纳