
英语课上要表演英文对话,主题是going shopping.
话题:1,asking about products
3,check out

A/b/c =male

a/b/c are friends

d is a salewoman

one day you and b/c are wandering(闲诳) in the street.

A: I am very thirsty,how about going shoping for some drink?

B:why not? I am thirsty too. let's go.

a: what's your idea,c?

c: I can't agree more (再好不过了).look,there is a shop.

then you three go into the shop

salewoman: welcome! can I hlep you?

A:we want some drinks. what kinds of drink do you have?

salewoman: Oh,you want it,we have it(你要什么,我们有什么)说这句话时

B:really? I can't believe it.

C: you must lie to us.

salewoman: Believe it or not. but we did

a;ok,then we want the coca cola.what's the price?

salewoman: 3 RMB per bottle

B:why your price is higher than other shops. it's sold 2.2 RMB per bottle in other shops

C:yes, it is not worth that much(它不值那么多)。let go and find other shops to buy.(你们三个准备走)

salewoman: wait,wait. I can cut down the price.what price do you take?(你们打算什么价格买)

A:2RMB per bottle.

salewoman: no, it is too low. what about 2.1 RMB?


A:deal!(成交,好的) we will take it.(you give her 10 yuan)

salewoman: here you are( with three bottle coca cola in hand)
and here is your charge(你们的找零)please check it out.

B:thank you so much

c:see you

salewoman:see you .

第1个回答  2009-06-03
I will only help if you respect my full authorship
第2个回答  2009-06-03
(In the Street.A,B,C and retailer.在街道上,A,B,C,和零售员)

A: Come on, B. I've found something nice to buy.
B: OK, What did you find on earth?
A: Look at this beautiful shirt. Isn't it charming?
B: Really, it's cute. I love the blue color. It's fashional and mysterious.
A: How much,my boss?
BOSS: Eighty-five yuan. If you take more, you can get more discount.
A: I enjoy this one. Too expensive. I think...
Retailer: What's your favor price ,then?
A: What about seventy yuan?
Retailer: That's too cheap. I'm afraid I can't accept that. eight yuan at least.
C: seventy-five. That's the final price,ok?
Retailer: Okay. seventy-five, that's a deal.
A,B and C:Thanks a lot.
(The end.)


第3个回答  2009-06-03
我帮你设计比较美式的购物对话,女的作为售货员(A),2个男的作为朋友一起去购物(B 和 C).B 问C:Anything attracts you ?
C:Not really, did you find something in your mind?
B:hi, buddy , how's that?
C:Good,let us go in to look around

A:Hi, what's up, do you have someting in you mind?
B:i have no idea, just look around.
A:guys, do you see those ones on the corner?
B and C:yup
A:we have something on sale, you can buy a shirt and a tanktop as a special deal. i give you 15 bucks for 2 ones.
C:how about these?
A:These are new hot products, you can see , those are very fashionable thou?
A:by the way, this week is the last week for special discount.
C:ok, i would like to buy shirt and tanktop.
B: can you give us as cheaper as 13 bucks?
A:en?oh, you know, i m just a staff, i can not make decision by myself ,right? i can help you to ask my manager。
B:please ,check it up.
A:ok,guys . no problem. i can give you special deal.
B:woo woo! thanks a lot.
A:ok! no problem,you can help me to suggest your friends to come.
anyways, have a good day,bye!
B C: bye