哪位英语高手帮忙翻译一下? 急!谢谢啦。。。

摘 要;独立性是指不受他人影响,不随波逐流,根据自己的认识与信念,独立地采取决定,执行决定。培养和发展孩子的独立性是孩子学会生存的第一步,也是促进孩子身心发展的培养健全人格的基础。国外对于独立性的研究较多,从理论到实践及其影响因素都取得了丰富的成果,而国内的研究过于欠缺。本文旨在研究家庭中幼儿独立性的培养 ,指出了幼儿独立性的现状和家庭中培养幼儿独立性的存在的问题,并提出了家庭中培养幼儿独立性的几点建议。
关键词;独立性; 幼儿独立性; 培养

independence is a character which is not influenced by other people or follow the mass but make decisions and take actions by oneself according to his own thoughts and beliefs. training and cultivating the independence of children is not only the first step for children to survive in the society but also the basic of promoting the sound development and cultivating the personality for children. there are more researches about independence in foreign countries than in our country, lots of fruits are get from theory to practice.while the domestic studies seems short. this article aims at study the cultivate of young children's independence in family,tell some present problems in small children's independence and the ways of families in cultivating them and give some advices.
key words:independence, young children's indendence, cultivate.
第1个回答  2009-05-28
别信他 楼上用机器的 语法完全不对
我也在写这论文呢 要参加比赛 所以作为对手我不能帮你哦~
第2个回答  2009-05-28
Independence is not others to influence, not drift, according to their knowledge and belief, independently, decided to decide. The training and development of the child survival of children learn independence is the first step, and promote the healthy development of children and cultivation of personality. For the study, more foreign independence, from theory to practice and its influencing factors have made abundant achievements, and domestic research is too short. This paper aims to study the children in the family, pointed out the independence and the present situation of preschool independence family children of independence, the existing problems and puts forward the family of children's independence Suggestions.

Keywords, Independence, Children independence, cultivating
第3个回答  2009-05-30
Pick: Independence is not others to influence, not drift, according to their knowledge and belief, independently, decided to decide. The training and development of the child survival of children learn independence is the first step, and promote the healthy development of children and cultivation of personality. For the study, more foreign independence, from theory to practice and its influencing factors have made abundant achievements, and domestic research is too short. This paper aims to study the children in the family, pointed out the independence and the present situation of preschool independence family children of independence, the existing problems and puts forward the family of children's independence Suggestions.
Keywords, Independence, Children independence, Training