

第1个回答  2015-11-22
Don't have / keep / consider / regard my love for you as your reason for hurting me.
Don't think of my love for you as your reason (why / that / for which) you hurt me.
关键词语:把......当成(当做、看做)......: have ...as...; take...as...; consider...as...; treat ...as...; keep...as...; regard...as...; think of ...as...; look on...as...;see ...as...等等;我对你的爱:my love for you; have a deep love for sb深爱某人; (在感情上)伤害某人:hurt / wound / harm / injure sb; ......的理由:the reason for.../ the reason (why / that /for which)...。例如:
The Indians think of / consider him as a holy man.印度人把他视为圣人。
He probably did not see the novel as an accurate portrayal of the future.他或许没有把这本小说当做是未来的准确写照。
Don't treat me as an outsider. 别把我当做外人。
Korean regards rice as staple food down the ages. 韩国人自古以来把米饭当做主食。
We really thought of her as one of the family. 我们都帮她当做自家人。
I came to tell you that I also look on you as my enemy.
My daughter keeps a rabbit as a pet. 我的女儿养了一只兔子当做宠物。
Strike off his name. I refuse to have him as a guest. 将他的名字从名册中删掉,我不要他做我的客人。
I hope I didn't injure her feelings.我希望没有伤害她的感情。
I have never harmed anybody.我从未伤害过任何人。
You have wounded his pride.你伤害了他的自尊心。
I was deeply hurt by the way she just ignored me. 她对我不理不睬,那种态度使我很伤心。
The immediate reason for the incident is still unclear. 事件的直接动因仍不清楚。
The reason (why / that / for which) we didn't go was that we were notified too late.我们(之)所以没有去,是因为我们得到通知太晚了。