这句话里面的 pit maneuver是什么意思?

California police nabbed a woman in a bathing suit who led them on a fifty mile car chase. It ended when a police car performed what's called a pit maneuver. Watch, that s the pit maneuver

第1个回答  2009-06-01
pit maneuver 堵车技,阻拦技,“撞屁股”截停术。


Precision Immobilization Technique精准截停术
Pursuit Immobilization Technique追踪截停术
Pursuit Intervention Technique追踪干预术
Parallel Immobilization Technique平行截停术
Precision Intervention Tactic精准干预技法
第2个回答  2009-06-01
PIT maneuver
The PIT maneuver is a method, popular with US police departments, by which one car pursuing another can force the pursued vehicle to abruptly turn sideways to the direction of travel, causing the driver to lose control and stop. The acronym "PIT" has a number of different meanings, depending on the agency using it or school teaching it. The most common meanings are Precision Immobilization Technique, Pursuit Intervention Technique, Parallel Immobilization Technique, and Precision Intervention Tactic. In each case, the meaning is clear, no matter how the acronym is explained. Other names for the same maneuver are Tactical Vehicle Intervention (TVI), "tactical ramming,", "legal intervention" and fishtailing. This method is mostly used to end a car chase more safely. Other methods of terminating a pursuit include TPAC and the use of Spikes (also known by various trade names such as Stop Sticks or Stinger).
加州警方在追赶了50英里后,逮捕了一名身穿浴袍的女子。警车通过pit maneuver将女子的车逼到路沿停下来。pit maneuver是一种警察逼停汽车的手段。
第3个回答  2009-06-01
Pursuit Intervention Technique,这个中文比较好译,即追捕强行停车技巧


Parallel Immobilization Technique

一楼给的解释不错,只是50 mile不是50米,一般警察追车至少都会数英里,因此这里的mile是英里不是米,米应该是meter