关于英语翻译的问题: 中文: 今天我姨妈带着她的儿子来拜访我家,于是我便陪她儿子玩了五个小时的我的

中文: 今天我姨妈带着她的儿子来拜访我家,于是我便陪她儿子玩了五个小时的我的世界。
我的翻译: My aunt take her son, called at my house today. so I companied her son to play the Minecraft of the five hours.

翻译最好用常用的词组, call on 正式访问, spend time doing sth. 化时间做某事等。建议这么改一下:
My aunt took her son to call on us today, so I spent five hours playing the Minecraft, a comupter game with her son.追问


第1个回答  2016-05-24
My aunt came to visit my home with her son today, so her son played the game My World with me for five hours.