强调的英语是什么还有强调句和主语从句有什么区别吗? 还有,每个从句的特点和区分方法。 急!!!


1强调句的构成 it +is(was)+强调部分+that+其他 判断是否是强调句 只要把it is 和 that去掉句子完整就是强调句 否则就可能是主语从句先练一下he met her in the street yesterday对主语强调 it was he that met her in the street yesterday.(对主语强调且是人 时 也可用who)对宾语强调 it was her that he met in the street yesterday.对地点状语强调 it was in the street that he met her yesterday.对时间状语强调 it was yesterday that he met her in the street.熟悉句型后 反复练 多分析 该句型不难掌握。