How is everything going on是什么意思


How is everything going on

Hi, Bill. How is everything going?你好比尔,一切如何?
How is everything going on?一切进展顺利吗?
B: Good morning Peter. I haven't seen you for ages. How is everything going?早上好,彼得。我们很久未见面了,一切都好吗?
How is everything going in Pakistan? We have stopped our work since yesterday to pray for you.你好吗,从昨天开始我们已经停下工作为你祈祷了。
How is everything going?你过得怎么样?
How is everything going here?目前为止还好吧?
How is everything? - It is going along smoothly.怎么样?进展很顺利。
How is Tom going on with his new book?汤姆的新书写得怎么样?
Yuanyuan, how is your molding going on?渊源,你捏得怎么样了呀?
How is the economic development zone going on?现在经济开发区怎样了?
How is it going on in Katar?What can I do for you?请问卡塔尔那里的进展如何,我能有什么帮到您吗?
How is everything? Pretty good, thank you!你好吗?挺好的,谢谢!
But is everything going well, without any hitch?难道万事皆好,一个缺点也没有吗?
Is everything going okay at work?工作还顺利吧?
Oh.Right! That's it. How is everything with you?哦,对了,就是。你一切都好吗?
How is this year's Sino-Japan Chess Challenge Tournament going on?今年的中日围棋擂台赛进行得如何?
"How is everything going?" "Things are going very well.""一切进行得如何?""情况很顺利。"
How are things with you? How is everything?你近来情况怎样?
I haven't seen you for days. How is everything?多日不见,一切都好吗?
And there are lively pensioners so stimulated by everything going on around them that they'll be young at heart for ever.有些拿养老金的人十分快活,他们对周围发生的一切事都是兴致昂然,所以他们年龄虽大,心却永无是年轻的。
第1个回答  推荐于2017-10-05
意思是 事情进行的怎么样

1,固定短语 go on
go on
[英][ɡəu ɔn][美][ɡo ɑn]
发生; 进行; 过去; 向前走;
Unemployment is likely to go on rising this year.
I don't want to leave, but I can't go on.
2.还有和How is everything going (on)差不多的how is it going比较
how is everything going与how is it going
这两种可以用在 两人见面,互问how is everything going与how is it going.就是问,“怎么样”?相当于我们中国人说,“最近自么样,哥们”.
回答:Not bad !不错,Perfect!很好!So far so good.不错!As usual.和平常一样!
你千万不能说:“very bad”不好这类的,这是客气语,没有人真想听你说怎么不好!
这两句,还可以简说成:How is everything?
这两个句子还可用在,询问,事件进展上.比如,让你们写一个文章,可以问这how is everything going与how is it going,就是问你进展如何了!
第2个回答  2015-05-25
一切都好吗?/ 一切还顺利吗?/一切进展顺利吗?
例Good morning Peter. I haven't seen you for ages. How is everything going?
第3个回答  2015-05-25
How is everything going on
第4个回答  2018-12-25