求the last leaf 读后感!!要新鲜的啊……急啊

O.Henry写的搜了好多都是千篇一律的 我想找点新鲜不一样的

Last leaf, last love
Yesterday I heard a heart-stirring story written by O Henry. It said in an autumn, a sad girl lied on the bed. She has a bad serious illness. And she would die soon. She looked attentively at a leaf outside the window, and told to an old painter who cared for her that she would die when the last leaf fell. The old painter didn’t want the young girl to die; he wanted to give her a wish to live. He knew that there would be a rainstorm soon; the leaf will be blown off. For continuing the girl’s life, the old painter drew a green leaf on the wall when it rained heavily. The following day, the girl woke up, and she was surprised to see that the green leaf did not be blown off. Her wish came true, and her mood became better and better. In the end, the girl is recovered to health. When she walked out of the hospital, she found that the leaf was painted on the wall!
The old painter died, but the wish that a leaf never grew old came true in the girl’s heart. In fact, continuing the girl’s life is also the painter’s wish. If only the life never grow old, the wish will be young forever.
The picture is a good present, it encourage the girl to face everyday. Maybe sometimes, we don’t need to give somebody presents, flowers; I think they just need a wish, a wish to continue their life. Like the green leaf in the article, it will be the best medicine to a patient. The last leaf which the painter painted is full of love and wish; I think the painter wanted the girl to face sunshine happily. That’s enough.
第1个回答  2019-09-13
This is a short story about two girls and a man. The two girls named Sue and Johnsy lived in a three-floor house with Mr.Behrman, a painter, who had been dreaming of drawing a masterpiece and had pneumonia the same as Johnsy. Johnsy told Sue that she would go with the last laef on the tree outside the window. Sue went to Mr.Behrman for help. The kind man went out to draw a piece of leaf on the wall at one cold and wild night to help the hopeless girl to keep her hold on the world, though himself had bad pneumonia. Then Johnsy picked her blief up to live on, but the kind man lost his life. The story is truely moving, as l see the greatest kindness from the weak man's deepest heart. Actually, the man has already realized his dream to draw a masterpiece in the end. Yes, it is the leaf drawn on the wall. As very small it is, drawn inside is the most gorgeous heart, the most powerful encouragement and the most heartfelt blessing.