
请大师帮帮忙,帮我翻译成英文吧。 翻译练习: 美国人逢年过节也送礼.美国人逢年过节也送礼.美国人送礼更注重实用.送有实用价值的礼物,成为人们送礼的原则。有意思的是,每逢节庆之前,受礼人可以列出一个自己所需物品的清单给亲朋好友,供他们准备礼物时作选择。这既避免了很多人都送同一类物品,又能确保所送物品是受礼人所需要的。

Americans every year holiday gifts, too. Americans every year holiday gifts, too. Americans are giving more attention to practical. Has the practical value of the gift, as the principles of gift-giving. Interestingly, whenever festivals before, and it is only can list a list of items needed to relatives and friends, for they prepare gifts to choose from. It avoids a lot of people to send the same items, and can ensure that send goods is needed by the recipient.
第1个回答  2013-12-29
American holidays and gift giving. American holiday also gifts gifts. Americans pay more attention to practical. Give valuable gifts gifts, become the principle. Interestingly, during the festival, the recipient can list a list of items needed to friends and family, for they make a choice for gift. This avoids a lot of people are sent to the same class of objects, and can ensure the delivery of items when needed.
第2个回答  2013-12-29
American holidays are holidays gifts Americans also pay more attention to practical gifts send gifts Americans have practical value of the gift, the principle that people become gifts. .. Interestingly, before every festival, you can list the recipient an own list of items needed to friends and family for gifts when they are ready to make a choice. This avoids a lot of people are sending the same type of goods, but also to ensure that the goods are sent to the recipient an need.