

1.去锻炼take exercises
2.爬山clim mountain
3.你需要锻炼并保持健康You need to exercise and keep healthy
4.这山没真的高The mountain didn't really high
5.玩的开心have a good time/enjoy myself/have fun
6.乘船旅行to travel by ship
8.保重take care
9.一切顺利all going well
10.去.....的顶部go to...at the top of
11.美国总统Chief Executive
12.由......制造made of/made from
13.港湾大桥Bay Bridge
14.埃菲尔铁塔Eiffel Tower
15.塞纳河River Seine
16.白宫White House
17.金门大桥Golden Gate Bridge
18.90英尺宽90feet wide
19.我们正坐在塞纳河畔一家小咖啡店里we are sitting in the Seine river in a small coffee shop.
20.It is has a big garden and many trees beautiful buildings.
第1个回答  2013-10-10

    go and exercise

    mountain climbing

    you need to exercise to keep fit nd healthy

    this mountian is really not very high

    enjoy yourself/have a wonderful time/have fun

    a cruis trip

    pass by/walk by

    take care

    All the best

    go onto the top of .....

    the president of USA

    made by..../made from....

    Sydney Harbour Bridge

    Eiffel Towe

    Seine River

    the White House

    Golden Gate Bridge

    1890 inch wide

    We are sitting in a small coffee shop along the Seine River. 

    It is a beautiful building with a big garden and many trees. 
