
Do you think watching foreign movies in English can help you (or, help people) learn English?

yes, i believe that can improve my english level. At first, I can learn the Real English,because not everyone have good enviroment to learn english, and the foreign can give us. The next, I can learn some words that used in oral english; At last, learn english through watching foreign movies can raise our interests.
第1个回答  2009-05-14
Definately I think Yes. And I also think it is the best way for us to learn english. On the one hand, we can imitate them and learn how to pronounce well and also learn the popular words from these native speakers. And on the other hand, we can also practicing our listing. What's more, watching movie is also a way of relaxing ourselves.
第2个回答  2009-05-14
yeah, I think so. But the prerequisite is watch it without Chinese caption or watch it with both English and Chinese captions. Otherwise, people will depend the caption too much so they cannot learn English at all.Watching foreign movies is an useful way to improve English, especailly the pronounction and some foreign accents.