



绿色的希望 Green hope

当暖洋洋的太阳张开灿烂无比的笑脸,和煦的清风抚摸着我的脸蛋儿时,我便知道,温暖的春天来了! When the warm bright sun with open smiling faces great, warm breeze touched my脸蛋儿, I will know that the warmth of the spring coming!
在这美好的时光里,我们的一切都将重新开始. In this wonderful time, we all have to start all over again. 绿色,代表着生机勃勃,更意味着新的希望. Green, on behalf of the vibrant, but also means new hope.
当小花争先恐后的竟相开放,嫩绿的小草从土里使着尽儿要钻出来是,我便知道,美丽的春天来了! When the flowers vied with one another in the race to open, green grass from the earth so that a child should be bored out to do, I will know that the beautiful spring is here!
我将怀着愉快的心情,去饱览充满着诗意的春天. I will be happy with, to enjoy the spring is full of poetry. 踏着轻盈的步伐,沉醉于迷人的绿色之中...... Follow the pace of light, immersed in enchanting green of ......
当天上的风筝渐渐多起来了,空中飘着的云朵更加漂亮了,广阔的天空更加蔚蓝了,我便知道,快乐的春天来了! Kite on the same day a grown gradually, air floating clouds more beautiful, more bright blue sky, and I know that happy spring is here!
有时,约几个小伙伴,带上自己心爱的风筝,到完全属于自己的天地里,放飞理想的风筝,拨撒下新的种子! In some cases, about a number of small partners, to bring his beloved kites, to complete their own world, the ideal kite flying, call sow new seeds! 愿金黄的秋天,我又会硕果累累. Would like to golden autumn, I will be fruitful.
牵着蜜蜂,蝴蝶的手,迈着轻盈的脚步,迎着金灿灿的阳光,把一件五彩的衣裳撒向大地,顿时,花儿红了,草儿也绿了,处处鸟语花香,春色浓浓...... Holding bees, butterflies hands, walked the footsteps of light, facing the golden sunlight, the scattered a land of colorful clothes, All of a sudden, red flowers, green草儿also, flowers everywhere, thick Spring. ...
第1个回答  2009-04-09
Green Hope
I know warm spring is coming when the sun shines brilliantly and the vernal wind flies over my face!
Everything is renewing at the beautiful moment.Green stands for full of vigor and means new hope.
I know beautiful spring is coming when all flowers come out and green grass come out from earth!I swim in the meaningful spring with cheerful mood.I am drowning in the attractive green walking lightly.
I know merry spring is coming when more and more kites fly in the sky and the cloud is more beautiful!Sometimes, several buddies and I go our own space with my lovely kite,fly perfect kite and sow hopeful seeds! May I have rich fruits in the yellow autumn.
Handing with bee and butterfly, walking a light gait ,towarding the glorious sun, we spread colourful clothes over the earth,immediately flowers become red, grass become green, birds sing everywhere and how a nice spring...

第2个回答  2009-04-14
Does any expert help me translation of this essay, and translation, such as Jinshan fast even if the software is able to convert. 要求翻译专业点,顺畅点。 Requirements of professional translation, the smooth point. 谢谢! Thanks!

绿色的希望 Green hope

当暖洋洋的太阳张开灿烂无比的笑脸,和煦的清风抚摸着我的脸蛋儿时,我便知道,温暖的春天来了! When the warm bright sun with open smiling faces great, warm breeze touched my脸蛋儿, I will know that the warmth of the spring coming!
在这美好的时光里,我们的一切都将重新开始. In this wonderful time, we all have to start all over again. 绿色,代表着生机勃勃,更意味着新的希望. Green, on behalf of the vibrant, but also means new hope.
当小花争先恐后的竟相开放,嫩绿的小草从土里使着尽儿要钻出来是,我便知道,美丽的春天来了! When the flowers vied with one another in the race to open, green grass from the earth so that a child should be bored out to do, I will know that the beautiful spring is here!
我将怀着愉快的心情,去饱览充满着诗意的春天. I will be happy with, to enjoy the spring is full of poetry. 踏着轻盈的步伐,沉醉于迷人的绿色之中...... Follow the pace of light, immersed in enchanting green of ......
当天上的风筝渐渐多起来了,空中飘着的云朵更加漂亮了,广阔的天空更加蔚蓝了,我便知道,快乐的春天来了! Kite on the same day a grown gradually, air floating clouds more beautiful, more bright blue sky, and I know that happy spring is here!
有时,约几个小伙伴,带上自己心爱的风筝,到完全属于自己的天地里,放飞理想的风筝,拨撒下新的种子! In some cases, about a number of small partners, to bring his beloved kites, to complete their own world, the ideal kite flying, call sow new seeds! 愿金黄的秋天,我又会硕果累累. Would like to golden autumn, I will be fruitful.
牵着蜜蜂,蝴蝶的手,迈着轻盈的脚步,迎着金灿灿的阳光,把一件五彩的衣裳撒向大地,顿时,花儿红了,草儿也绿了,处处鸟语花香,春色浓浓...... Holding bees, butterflies hands, walked the footsteps of light, facing the golden sunlight, the scattered a land of colorful clothes, All of a sudden, red flowers, green草儿also, flowers everywhere, thick Spring. .....
提问者: dreams135 - 助理三级
第3个回答  2009-04-12
Emerald Hope (另一种绿色的形容词,比较生动)

When the sun opened its face of joy and spread its warmth, and when the refreshing cool breeze blows upon my face, I knew, spring has arrived.
During these magnificent hours, we are bound to st art again. The color green, symbolizes life, and new hope. When tender flowers are fighting to bloom, and fresh green grass are trying to make its way out of the soil, I know that the beautiful spring is here!
With ecstacy, I will soon be seeing spring's traces, they are as graceful like poetries.I travelled with light and gentle steps, I was mesmerized by this charming greeness....
When more kites soared above the sky, the feathery cloud has become more elegant, the vast sky looks more blue then it was before, I know, the joyful spring is here!
Sometimes, I would call up my friends, I would bring my favorite kite and soar to a wonderland of my own, fliying my ideal kite, planting new seeds! Hoping when the lush golden autumn arrives, I would get lots of fruits from these seeds. Holding the bees, with the butterflies' hands, with light footsteps, greeting the gold sparkling sunshine, I layed a colorful outfit on the earth, at this moment, the flowers are red, the grass' are green, you can hear birds singing, smell the perfume of the flowers, the wallpaper of the spring sceneries are now spread everywhere.
第4个回答  2009-04-09
Think that the warm sun opens splendid matchless smiling face, I have just known , warm spring has come to genial cool breeze when being fondling my cheek! Within this fine days, our all will be starting green , the representative again full of vigour, whole implying new hope more thinking that the floret elbows one's way through and pushes others aside opens to the outside world each other, at the furthest end of, that the son needs to get out has been that I just know, beautiful spring has come that light green small grass is being used li from soil! I will be keeping the merry heart in mind , will go to take a look at spring being full of poetry fully being treading step slim and graceful, in being intoxicated in charming green ... ... That very day upper kite has been more gradually, the cloud being floating overhead has been especially beautiful, vast sky especially sky blue I have just known , happy spring has come! Make an appointment with young several buddies sometimes, have self lovely kite at hand, to in the scope of operation belonging to self completely, readjust oneself to a certain extent swiftly ideal kite, scatter new seed down batch! Golden fall of wish , our meeting countless rich fruits is leading the bee , butterfly's hand , is striding step slim and graceful, in face of sunlight golden bright and dazzling, have spread a piece of colourful clothes to the earth , the flower has made red immediately,grass has been also green , an idyllic scene , spring scenery have been everywhere dense ... ...