

correctly这个单词的读音是 /kəˈrektli/,其中重音在第二个音节上。


1.You need to spell your name correctly on the application form.

2.The teacher corrected the student's pronunciation and showed him how to say the word correctly.

3.The machine is not working correctly, so we need to call a technician to fix it.


1.use correctly:正确使用

It's important to use the equipment correctly to avoid accidents.

2.pronounce correctly:正确发音

Can you pronounce this word correctly? I'm not sure if I'm saying it right.

3.spell correctly:正确拼写

You need to spell the word correctly in order to get full marks on the test.

4.answer correctly:正确回答

If you want to pass the exam, you need to answer the questions correctly.
