

"Cinema" 是一个英文单词,意思是电影院、电影行业、电影艺术。


1. go to the cinema 去电影院

2. cinema ticket 电影票

3. cinema screen 电影屏幕

4. cinema complex 电影院综合设施

5. cinema experience 电影观影体验

6. cinema release 电影上映

7. cinema industry 电影产业

8. cinema chain 电影院连锁


1. Going to the cinema is a popular pastime for many people around the world. 去电影院观影是世界上许多人的流行消遣方式。

2. The cinema experience has evolved over time, from silent films with live music accompaniment to the latest 3D technology. 电影观影体验随时间发展而演变,从伴随现场音乐的无声电影到最新的3D技术。

3. The cinema industry has been greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, with many theaters closing or operating at reduced capacity. 新冠疫情对电影产业产生了巨大的影响,许多电影院已经关闭或者以减少座位的方式运营。

4. The cinema release of the new blockbuster movie is highly anticipated by fans around the world. 新大片的上映备受全球影迷期待。
