
关键词:混凝土 裂缝 防裂措施

第1个回答  2009-04-18
Concrete is a stone aggregate, cement, water and other materials in addition to the formation of a mixture of heterogeneous brittle materials. Concrete construction and as a result of the deformation itself, bound by a series of problems, hardening of the concrete forming, there are a large number of micro-pores, cracks and micro-cavitation, it is precisely because the existence of these initial defects in the concrete appeared before a number of non-homogeneous nervous nature. Micro-cracks is usually a harmless cracks, the loading capacity of concrete, the use of anti-seepage and some other functions do not cause harm. However, in concrete under load, temperature, etc., the micro-cracks will continue the expansion and connectivity, and ultimately the formation of our macro-cracks visible to the naked eye, that is, concrete that cracks often works.
Key words: concrete cracks crack control measures
第2个回答  2009-04-19
搜素一下关键字:雅虎 宝贝鱼
