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英语课堂教学小组化能有效地调动学生的学习积极性,培养他们的参与意识,增加了教师与学生及学生与 学生之间的联系和交往,极大地增加了学生的语言活动的实践量,可以很好地培养学生用英语进行口头交际的能力.这也要求我们英语教师在课堂教学过程中,尽量自己讲少一点,让学生参与的多。也就是以学生为主体老师为主导。教师须有较强的驾御课堂教学活动的能力,要能放得开,还要收得拢,使教学活动井然有序 。可以这么说,只要组织得法,班级教学小组化在英语课堂教学中是行得通的,也是值得一试的一种课堂教学的组织形式。


Dividing students into small study groups in English class will greatly improve students' activeness in learning, help them build a natural habit in group activities, and embrace the communication and interaction between teachers and students and between students themselves. It will hugely innovated student's language activities and exercises, creating a perfect environment for students to practice speaking their foreign language. Not just that this will require teachers to plays less of role in the classroom, but it will also give students an opportunity to participate even more. And now classroom is focused more on students and less on the teacher. Teachers will be required of having greater ability to control academic activities, being able to provide the freedom to have fun, and also being able to control all types of situations, letting academic activities to be carried out in an orderly fashion. Then it can be said, that as long as the activities are controlled and organized, to have small study groups in English class will not be a problem, it is a form of teaching that's worth a try.
第1个回答  2009-04-20
第2个回答  2009-04-20
第3个回答  2009-04-20
你好 翻译如下

Classroom teaching of English group can effectively mobilize the enthusiasm of students and foster their sense of participation, increasing the number of teachers and students and between students and student contacts and exchanges of students has greatly increased the amount of language practice activities, it is good to train students in English oral communication ability. It also requires that we English teachers in the classroom teaching process, as far as possible their own less stress for students to participate in the multi. It is the main student-oriented teacher. Teachers will be required to have a stronger control of the capacity of classroom activities, to be able to the best, but also collected together, so that an orderly teaching and learning activities. It can be said that as long as organizations are successfully implemented, teaching groups of classes in English teaching is feasible and is worth a try as a form of classroom teaching.