


1、a friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真交。

2、a good medicine tastes bitter.良药苦口。

3、a journey of a thousand miles begins with single step.千里之行,始于足下。

4、after a storm comes a calm.雨过天晴。

5、all roads lead to rome.条条大路通罗马。

6、art is long, but life is short.人生有限,学问无涯。

7、better late than never.只要开始,虽晚不迟。

8、early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.早睡早起,富裕聪明身体好。

9、east, west, home is best.金窝银窝,不如自己的草窝。

10、everyday and in every way i’m getting better.每天每个方面我的生活都正在好转。

11、go for it! = just do it!加油!向前冲!做了再说!

12、great hopes make great man.远大的希望,造就伟大的人物。

13、honesty is the best policy.诚实才是上策。

14、i know that my future is not just a dream.我知道我的未来不是梦。

15、it is good to learn at another man’s cost.前车之鉴。

16、it is never too late to mend.亡羊补牢,犹为未晚。
