
Now, the VOA Special English program, WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.
Today we tell about the expression, "apple pie order." It means in perfect order, very well organized.
Nobody is sure where and when the expression apple pie order began. Some say that Scottish and English writers used the expression a long time ago. Others say it first was used in the northeastern American states known as New England.
The housewives of New England cut their apples in even slices. Then they filled pie pans with them in an organized way, row upon row. As one writer said, the women of New England loved to have everything in its place. This perhaps explains why it generally is believed that the expression apple-pie order began in New England.
Another old expression describes the opposite condition – wild disorder. That expression is apple of discord. It comes from ancient mythology.
The myth says that all the gods and goddesses were sitting around the table to celebrate the marriage of Thetis and Peleus. One of the gods, Discord, was a troublemaker. He threw a golden apple on the table to be given as a prize to the most beautiful goddess.
It was not an easy decision to make. How could they choose among Juno, Mineva and Venus. Paris was given the task of deciding. He decided to give the golden apple to Venus. Juno and Minerva were very angry and threatened him. This, the myth says, began the long Trojan war.
At one time, the tomato was called a love apple. That was a mistake. This is how the mistake happened.
In the Sixteenth century, Spain imported the tomato from South America after Spanish explorers had landed there. Spain then exported the tomato to Morocco. Italian traders carried it on to Italy. The Italian name for the tomato was pomo di Moro – apple of the Moors.
When French growers imported it from Italy, they thought di Moro meant d'amour, the French word for love. And so pomo di Moro became the apple of love.
People believe many things about the apple. One belief is that it has great powers of keeping people healthy. A very common expression is "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."
Another belief is based on fact. The expression is "One rotten apple spoils the barrel." When an apple begins to go bad, it ruins all the other apples around it in the container. The expression has come to mean that one bad person in a group can cause everyone to act bad.
You have been listening to the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES. I'm Warren Scheer.


Now, the VOA Special English program, WORDS AND THEIR STORIES. Today we tell about two words that are close in meaning. One is to buffalo. The other is to bulldoze. Both deal with winning by tricking or frightening someone.

现在是 voa 慢速英语节目——词语故事。今天我们说得两个词意义相近。一个是 buffalo ,另一个是 bulldoze 。二者都是形容用欺骗或恐吓手段获胜。

Long before the first Europeans arrived in the New World, a strange looking animal lived on the rich grasses of the western plains. He looked like some kind of water buffalo. But he had a big hump on his back like a camel. And he had hair like a lion. He later was called a bison.


In Eighteen-Fifty, estimates say twenty-million buffalo lived on the open plains areas of the west. They were powerful creatures that ran with great speed. American Indians hunted them for food and clothing. As white settlers moved west, they began to hunt the animal for skins to sell in eastern markets.

据估计, 1850 年西部广阔的平原上约有 2 千万头。它们奔跑速度很快。美洲印第安人捕获它们来做食物和衣物。白人移民到西部后,他们捕获动物,然后将皮毛远销东方。

The American buffalo could run at the speed of almost seventy-five kilometers an hour. It was not easy to get close enough to them to shoot.

美洲野牛能 1 小时跑将近 75 公里 。近处射击它们不是件容易事。

Sometimes the hunters were completely unsuccessful in killing any of the animals. They were "buffaloed" by these powerful, speedy creatures who were so hard to control. The expression "to buffalo" soon became part of the speech of the American west. It meant to make someone helpless, to trick them. In the early nineteen hundreds, a story about attacks on white settlers moving into Indian territory explained, "The Sioux had the wagon-train surrounded and the soldiers buffaloed."

有时,狩猎者很失败,一头也没杀死。他们被这些强壮的,善于奔跑并难以控制的动物耍了,短语“ to buffalo” 很快成为美国西部的一种修辞。它是指使某人陷入窘境,耍某人。 20 世纪初,有一个故事在讲白人移民入侵印第安领地时,解释到”苏族让西进的车队投降了,并愚弄了他们的士兵。

The meaning is almost the same today. When someone has you buffaloed, he has tricked or fooled you.


The expression "to bulldoze" also means to make someone helpless, usually by using power or threatening violence. The expression was first used in the southern part of the United States to describe the use of force to win an election. A bulldozer was a person who was not liked, someone who threatened other people.

短语“ to bulldoze” 也表示是某人孤立无援,通常指用武力或恐吓。美国的南部首次使用这个短语来形容用武力赢得选举。。一个恐吓者就是指不受欢迎并喜欢恐吓别人的人。

The term today most often is used to describe a powerful machine designed to clear away trees and other big objects. A bulldozer moves slowly but powerfully across the land. Nothing much can stop it.


Americans still use the expression "to bulldoze" but mainly in political situations. It is used sometimes to describe a political move that leads to an unexpected win. For example, a newspaper might comment that a bill that was not popular passed in Congress because the supporters bulldozed the opposition. The force of the supporters' arguments, or perhaps some legislative tricks, buffaloed the opponents .

美国人仍使用“ to bulldoze” 但主要是在政界。有时指一个意外取胜的政治运动。例如,一家报纸可能评论,国会的通过的议案不受欢迎,因为支持者威胁反对派。支持者的据理力争,或可能用一些立法伎俩,胁迫对手。

You have been listening to the VOA Special English program, WORDS AND THEIR STORIES. I'm Warren Scheer.

你收听的是 voa 慢速英语节目,词语故事。我是 Warren Scheer


第1个回答  2009-03-15
现在, VOA特别英国节目、词和他们的故事。 我们告诉关于表示的Today, “苹果饼命令”。 它按完善的顺序意味,很好组织。
Nobody是肯定的表示苹果饼命令何时何地开始了。 一些说苏格兰和英国作家很久以前使用了表示。 其他说首先用于叫作新英格兰的东北美国州。 新英格兰的The主妇切了他们的在甚而切片的苹果。 然后他们用他们填装了饼平底锅用一个组织的方式,在行的行。 如同一位作家说,新英格兰的妇女在它的地方爱有一切。 或许这解释为什么通常被相信表示苹果饼命令在新英格兰开始了。
Another老表示描述相反情况–狂放的混乱。 那个表示是不和的种子。 它来自古老神话。
The神话说所有神和女神在桌附近坐庆祝Thetis和Peleus婚姻。 其中一个神,龃龉,是闹事者。 他投掷了在作为奖将被给的桌的一个金黄苹果最美丽的女神。
It不是做的一个容易的决定。 怎么可能他们在Juno、Mineva和金星之中选择。 给了巴黎任务决定。 他决定给金黄苹果金星。 Juno和Minerva是非常恼怒和威胁他。 这,神话说,开始了长的特洛伊战争。
一次,蕃茄称番茄。 那是差错。 这是差错怎么发生了。 在西班牙探险家登陆了那里之后, In第十六个世纪,西班牙从南美洲进口了蕃茄。 西班牙然后出口蕃茄摩洛哥。 意大利贸易商坚持了它到意大利。 意大利名字对于蕃茄是pomo di莫罗・苹果停泊的–。
When法国种植者从意大利进口了它,他们认为di莫罗意味的d'amour,爱的法国词。 并且pomo di莫罗如此成为了爱苹果。
People相信关于苹果的许多事。 一信仰是它有保持人的大国健康。 一个非常公共表达式是“一天保持医生去的苹果”。
Another信仰根据事实。 表示是“一个腐烂的苹果掠夺物桶”。 当苹果开始变坏时,它在它附近破坏所有其他苹果在容器。 表示来意味小组的一个坏人能造成大家行动坏。
You听VOA特别英国节目词和他们的故事。 我是沃伦Scheer。
第2个回答  2009-03-16
英语趣味典故:井井有条 / 希腊神话—金苹果之争 / 害群之马


第3个回答  2009-03-15
第4个回答  2020-02-03