



1、You know that this cake is going to play hell with my diet.你知道吃了这块蛋糕会影响我节食的。

2、She hadn't spent hours slaving over a hot stove! That was shop-bought cake if ever I saw one.她并未在热烘烘的火炉前劳累几个小时!如果我没看错的话,那蛋糕是从商店里买来的。

3、Rose shaped almond flavored pound cake mixed with ground almonds.玫瑰形状的杏仁蛋糕,风味独特。

4、Remove the cake from the oven and let cool in the pan for 5 minutes.将蛋糕从烤箱中取出,让其在烤盘里冷却五分钟。

5、Please cut a slice of cake for me.请给我切一块蛋糕。

6、The children liked to stir the cake about, making a wish孩子们喜欢一边搅拌做蛋糕的材料,一边想自己的愿望。

7、The birthday cake was frosted.生日蛋糕上加了糖霜。

8、I have to take my cake out of the oven.我得去把蛋糕从烤箱里拿出来。

9、The perfect cake is the sine qua non of the carefully planned modern wedding.一个完美的蛋糕在一个精心筹划的现代婚礼中是必不可少的(j.m。希拉里)。

10、Fruit Jelly moon cake - papaya, mangoes, strawberry, honeydew and red dragon fruit.水果燕菜月饼有木瓜,芒果,草莓,哈蜜瓜及红龙果。
