
Direction:you are writing a letter tu your teacher tu tell her about how you plan to learn English this semester. You will write according to the following outline you have just made.
You outline:
Preview:30 minuties to 1hour on the day before the English class
In class:take notes when necessary ;ask at least one question every class;be active in speaking
Wtitten exercises:according to the requiremengt of the teacher
Time to read texts aloud:7:25-7:45a.m(20min every day except Sunday)
Oral English practice after class: 30min/2times every week
Number of words to learn:6words every day except Sunday
Review:1hour every Sunday to reciew what was learnds in the past week


Dear teacher,
This semester i want to learn English better,so i make a plan.
Before the English class,i will preview the testbook 30 minutes to 1 hour on the day .In class i will take notes very necessary and be active in speaking. Also,i will ask at least one question every class.
As for wtitten exercises,i will do my best to do it and according to the requirement of the teacher.
I will read texts aloud 20minutes every day except Sunday.
I will Oral English practice after class 30min/2times every week .
I will learn 6words every day except Sunday.
I will review what was learned in the past week every Sunday.
That's my plan

第1个回答  2009-03-08

Preview:30 minuties to 1hour on the day before the English class
In class:take notes when necessary ;ask at least one question every class;be active in speaking
Wtitten exercises:according to the requiremengt of the teacher
Time to read texts aloud:7:25-7:45a.m(20min every day except Sunday)
Oral English practice after class: 30min/2times every week
Number of words to learn:6words every day except Sunday
Review:1hour every Sunday to reciew what was learnds in the past week