Keeping Pets(养宠物)

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Keeping Pets
Men have kept pets since ancient times. We can see from discoveries in the pyramids in Egypt and from scenes on decorated wall-coverings of European castles that our ancestors were as in-
terested in pets as we are.
One reason for keeping pets is their utility. When our dog barks, it warns us of thieves. A cat keeps down the mice and rats in homes. When men depended on hunting for food they found hunting-dogs extremely useful. They also used a type of bird to aid them in their search for food.
Companionship is a non-utilitarian reason for keeping pets. If people are living by themselves they feel lonely, and having a pet relieves this loneliness to some extent. We like to have some companion with us even if this companion is not human. We feel the need to have another living being to share
our daily lives. Having a companion, even if it is only an animal, gives us a feeling of warmth and an interest in something else beyond ourselves.
Some people even prefer pets to other people. Pets are not as demanding as people sometimes are. In particular,pets do not demand of us that we should talk when we wish to remain silent. Some people do talk to pets as if they were human beings, but they have the satisfaction of knowing that the
pets cannot answer back and engage them in argument. Pets seem content with so very little.
第1个回答  2006-06-03

We gather a great deal of incidental knowledge from pets.If we look after them properly we learn what they like and dislike.We do not set out to gain this knowledge purposely, but in attending to our pets we gain it by the way.It is got without our realizing it.
In keeping our dogs or cats we learn about various diseases that can affect them, and the cures for these diseases.We learn how much sleep they need and what kind of food keeps them healthy.In looking after our fish we learn about the composition of water.We get to know what kinds of fish can live peacefully together and what kinds are hostile (敌对的) to each other.We learn that animals, fish and birds have a lot of things in common with human beings.
If children keep pets their general education is helped by this kind of incidental knowledge.One little incident after another in which their pets are involved adds to their store of learning.It is a more interesting form of learning than that given in the biology lesson in school.People who keep pets should have a sense of responsibility towards them.Children, too, should be taught to be responsible.Pets are completely dependent on their owners and the owners should respond to this dependence by looking after them.Irresponsible behavior towards pets is a form of cruelty.
In deciding to keep a pet we take on a task, we make ourselves responsible for providing proper food and shelter for the pet.In a crowded city like Hong Kong, where there is so little room for the exercise required by large pets, we should think twice before undertaking the responsibility of keeping one.
66.In keeping pets, we learn that ___________.
A. pets dislike human beings B. pets share what we have
C. human beings can gain knowledge by keeping pets
D. pets and human beings gather a great deal of incidental knowledge
67.For children ___________ .
A. keeping pets widens their general knowledge
B. keeping pets adds to their trouble
C. all kinds of knowledge are obtained by keeping pets
D. incidental knowledge is more important than general knowledge
68.In keeping pets, responsibility means ___________.
A.depending on them B.taking care of them
C.writing to them D.teaching them
69.In the last paragraph, the word “twice” can best be replaced by “___________”.
A.later B.two times C.second D.carefully
70.In Hong Kong, it is not proper to keep large pets because ___________.
A.they eat a lot B.they rely too much on people
C.there is little space for them to move around D.the responsibility is too great



The Gabon Viper is a snake that grows to two metres in length. It is black all over and as thick as a strong man’s arm. When angry, it barks like a dog and spits poison. It is one of nature’s most dangerous gifts to the world. Most people would prefer nature to keep gifts like that to itself.
Others think differently. They think that Gabon Vipers, along with other poisonous snakes, spiders and reptiles are perfect animal friends for their children. They believe that the neighbors will be envied if they keep a lion in the backyard. And they believe that no home is complete without a monkey or a parrot in a cage. That is why the trade in unusual pets is now worth over US $ 10 billion per year in spite of being illegal in most countries.
The serious effect of the trade is the damage it does to the natural environment. Hunters catch young parrots by cutting down the trees which the birds use to make nests in. Baby monkeys always stay close to their mothers. So the hunters simply shoot the mothers.
These facts are now well known, but the trade continues. It seems that the strong desire to keep pets has deep roots in the human mind. Some psychologists(心理学家)say that it is a way for people to get closer to nature. People keep cats and dogs as a kind of historical echo(仿效)of the days when dogs were used to control sheep and cats were kept in the home to hunt mice and rats. As technology moves society further away from the natural world, the desire to keep in touch with it grows stronger. Dogs and cats become boring. Only snakes, bears, lions and other dangerous creatures satisfy some people’s desire to get personal control over nature.
This is why there are now more tigers kept as pets in the United States than there are living naturally in the world. One result of this is an increase in attacks on humans. According to a report, there is more chance of a child being killed by a Bengal Tiger in Texas than there is in Bengal.
69. Some people keep dangerous animals in their backyards for the reason that _______.
A. they want to protect themselves form being killed
B. they want to show the fact that they will protect animals
C. they want to have the feeling of respect from their neighbors
D. they want to make a lot of money from the unusual animals
70. It can be concluded from this passage that ________.
A. keeping pets is very popular all over the world
B. keeping pets is very popular in some poor countries
C. keeping pets is against law in some rich countries
D. keeping pets costs a lot of money in some countries
71. According to some psychologists’ opinion we can find that ______.
A. dogs and cats used to be the most popular pets
B. without animals human beings would feel lonely
C. it is not right for human beings to control nature
D. modern people should prefer dangerous animals to dogs and cats
72. The writer of this passage seems to show us his worry that _______.
A. dangerous animals will kill more people over the world
B. some animals will disappear if people destroy their living places
C. modern technology will destroy the balance of nature
D. people will spend too much money on keeping pets


66-70 DBACD 71-75 BBCBD

第2个回答  2006-06-03