
语言作为思想载体的形式,在这个越来越小的世界中变得尤为重要,当今的社会,文化交流与商品流通已变得越来越频繁,也越来越重要了,现在中国每天都在接触,每天都在沟通,每天都在交流,国与国之间、民族与民族之间的交流中,都离不开一种语言,于是乎,英语逐渐成为了中国与世界各个国家,中国与全球各个民族的日常交流最重要的沟通工具。英语语言运用是否恰当,直接关系着商务谈判的成败。本文就商务英语的重要性 商务英语谈判的必要性和特征 商务英语谈判艺术及技巧 谈判中英语语言表达的注意事项进行了论述,并提出了一些商务英语谈判中语言表达应注意的事项

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language is becoming more and more important in this small world as a thought carrier. in the society now adays, culture and business communication are becoming more and more frequently and important. China is contacting with the world everyday, communicating everyday.(交流和沟通几乎是一个意思,这里就省略了) communicating between countries or ethnic groups can't live without languages, so, English becomes an important language that China uses to communicate with countries and ethnic groups. does english is proper used is a main fact that a success to a business negotiation. this text discuess about the importance that the necessity, features, art and technics of business negotiation in english, and the notes of language performance in english during negotiation.(谈判中英语语言表达的注意事项进行了论述,并提出了一些商务英语谈判中语言表达应注意的事项 这两个是一样的意思,就合并了)

第1个回答  2009-01-10


Languages, as the carriers of thoughts, have become more and more important in this world that's getting smaller. In today's society, the communications between different cultures and circulation of merchandise are increasing dramatically frequent and important.China is getting touch with and ocmmunicating with the rest of the world. Amongst these communications between countries and cultures,a common language needs to be used. Thus English has become the most important communicating tool between China and the rest of the world and other racces.Whether you can use English properly, however, decides the results of business negotiations. This thesis examines the importance of business English, the necessarity of business negotiations in English, and the art and techeniques of featured negotiations in business English, as well as the matters that require attention both in Chinese and English at such negotiations, eventually draws attention to the drafted matters that require attention at Business negotiations in English.


第2个回答  2009-01-10
languages have become more and more important as the form of thoughts in the world which has become smaller and smaller.In the contemprory society,culture communication as well as the circulation of commoditieshas become more and more frequent and important.China is touching and communicating every day and the communication between nations and countries can't live without a language.Therefore,English gradually becomes the way that counts most in the communication between China and other nations or countries in the world.whether the languages are used properly can mean the difference between the success and failure of business negotiation.

第3个回答  2009-01-10
Thinking of language as a form of vector, in this increasingly small world has become particularly important in today's social, cultural exchanges and circulation of commodities has become more and more frequently, but also more and more important, and now every day in China in contact with every day communication, daily exchanges between nations, ethnic and national exchanges between, we can not do without a language, a result, English has gradually become China and the world countries, China and the world's peoples day-to-day exchange of the most important communication tool. English language that it is appropriate for a direct bearing on the success or failure of business negotiations. This article on the importance of Business English Business English the need for negotiations and features of Business English the art of negotiation and bargaining skills of English language note discussed and put forward a number of business negotiations in English language expression matters they should pay attention.



第4个回答  2009-01-11
languages have become more and more important as the form of thoughts in the world which has become smaller and smaller.In the contemprory society,culture communication as well as the circulation of commoditieshas become more and more frequent and important.China is touching and communicating every day and the communication between nations and countries can't live without a language.Therefore,English gradually becomes the way that counts most in the communication between China and other nations or countries in the world.whether the languages are used properly can mean the difference between the success and failure of business negotiation.