

第1个回答  2023-01-15




  水滴可以穿石, 绳锯可以断木, 飞瀑之下, 怎么没有深渊? 飞瀑是深渊的母亲,是她孕育着深渊; 飞瀑是深渊的 "上帝", 是他创造出深渊。飞瀑之于深渊, 真是关系密切, 作用巨大。飞瀑是深渊之因, 深渊是飞瀑之果。看到飞瀑下的深渊, 自然会对飞瀑肃然起敬。可是有些人, 却不尽然, 他们站在深渊面前, 赞叹的只是那一潭深邃的绿水, 却忘记了那飞瀑日夜冲击的功劳。


  Dripping water can drill through the stone, as much as seesawing rope can cut tree trunks. So it is all too natural that under the downpour of waterfalls there must be a deep pond. Waterfalls are mothers that give birth to deep ponds, or god that creates them. Waterfalls have everything to do with the ponds beneath as the former is the cause while the latter the result. One grows respectful to waterfalls when she/he sees the pond beneath. But not for someone z those people only admire the profundity of the dark green water of the pond and totally forgot that it was the waterfalls that made these ponds day and night.





  Qiantang Jiang River reaches the position by running across great mountains of the west Xhejiang province in a winding way, which begins to broaden its scanning g with a wonderful picture/view.

  But, what impresses us is/what we should say the most is the tide in this river. You can enjoy it/we could appreciate it around every Mid-autumn Day. It is really a wild river, which gives us a grand view!



  处在心灵的荒漠中, 谁都会为这无际的空虚而感到寂寞、孤独甚至恐惧。其实, 这荒漠只是视野中的“海市蜃楼”。“外面世界歌声”依旧悦耳, 花草依旧芳艳, 热情的朋友们正向你走来。只要你自己能够拨开眼前的迷雾, 仔细审视 " 视野 " 中的景象, 正视内心的细微感动, 就会发现视野中的美, 自然而然地摆脱这无援的境地。


  If you feel yourself in a desert of heart, you would certainly feel lonely and even frightened among such a vast space of emptiness. In fact, it is just a visionary mirage, common to many people. In fact, there are always pleasant melodies in the world outside, as well as pretty scenes and warm-hearted friends walking up to you. You are sure to see the beauty in your vision and get away from the helpless situation if you can see through the mist around you, study the scenes in your vision, face every little move in your heart.





  As young people leave home for college or to start their careers, their parents are left to live on their own. These are sometimes called 'empty-nest' families. In big and middle-sized cities, empty-nest families account for 20 to 30 percent, and in small towns, the percentage is as high as 40 percent. The change in family structure, improvement in living conditions and a lack of nursing homes all contribute to the rise in number of empty nesters. Empty nest parents often face new challenges, such as establishing a new kind of relationship with their children, finding other ways to occupy their free time, reconnecting with each other, and a lack of sympathy from other people.





  The Third Plenary Session of the CPC 11th Central Committee held at the end of 1978 represented a profound turning point in the history of new China. Since the launch of the Reform and Opening-up Policy, initiated by Deng Xiaoping, in 1979,major efforts have been made to readjust the economic structure, and reform the economic and political systems. China is, step by step, establishing a road with Chinese characteristics, a road that will lead to socialist modernization. Great changes have come about in China since 1979. The situation in the country is the best ever, and the people are enjoying more material benefits than ever before.