
V: 句子汉译英
1. 得知这个消息,他极为愤怒. (be furious)

2. 今天的促销活动非常成功. (promotion)

3. 他俩在报纸上宣布了结婚日期. (announce)

4. 我们队飞机的误点表示歉意. (arrival)

5. 我很高兴告诉了你这个好消息. (be glad to)

6. 计算机对现代生活陈产生了重大影响. (impact)

7. 我深深敬佩他的勇气.(respect)

8. 这两本书有着惊人的相似.(striking)

9. 这张桌子可以当库用.(function)

10. 昨天我们邀请朋于来做客.(invite sb. to sth.)

11. 火车缓缓驶进了车站.(roll in)

12. 这两种思想互不相容.(incompatible)

13. 希望全校同学们参加这些讨论.(participate)

14. 她总能设想与别人和睦相处.(keep peace with)

15. 天快黑了, 该回家了.(It’s time to…)

1. 得知这个消息,他极为愤怒. (be furious)
He was furious after receicing the news.
2. 今天的促销活动非常成功. (promotion)
The promotion today was very successful.
3. 他俩在报纸上宣布了结婚日期. (announce)
They two annouced their wedding date on the newspaper.
4. 我们队飞机的误点表示歉意. (arrival)
We apologize for the flight's late arrival.
5. 我很高兴告诉了你这个好消息. (be glad to)
I am glad to tell you this good news.
6. 计算机对现代生活陈产生了重大影响. (impact)
Computers have a great impact on modern life.
7. 我深深敬佩他的勇气.(respect)
I deeply respect his courage.
8. 这两本书有着惊人的相似.(striking)
These two books share a striking similarity.
9. 这张桌子可以当库用.(function)
This dest can function for storage.
10. 昨天我们邀请朋于来做客.(invite sb. to sth.)
We invited friends to visit yesterday.
11. 火车缓缓驶进了车站.(roll in)
The train gradually rolls in the station.
12. 这两种思想互不相容.(incompatible)
These two ideas are incompatible.
13. 希望全校同学们参加这些讨论.(participate)
I hope all students at the school can participate in these activities.
14. 她总能设想与别人和睦相处.(keep peace with)
She always tries to keep peace with others.
15. 天快黑了, 该回家了.(It’s time to…)
Night is dawing and it's time to go home.
第1个回答  2009-01-07
1. 得知这个消息,他极为愤怒. (be furious)
Hearing the news,he was furious.
2. 今天的促销活动非常成功. (promotion)
The promotion today is very successful.
3. 他俩在报纸上宣布了结婚日期. (announce)
Both of them annouced their wedding date on the newspaper.
4. 我们队飞机的误点表示歉意. (arrival)
We apologized to you for the flight's late arrival.
5. 我很高兴告诉了你这个好消息. (be glad to)
I am glad to tell you the good news.
6. 计算机对现代生活陈产生了重大影响. (impact)
Computers have a great impact on modern life.
7. 我深深敬佩他的勇气.(respect)
I respect his courage deeply.
8. 这两本书有着惊人的相似.(striking)
The two books share a striking similarities.
9. 这张桌子可以当库用.(function)
This desk/table can be used as function.
10. 昨天我们邀请朋于来做客.(invite sb. to sth.)
We invited friends to pay a visit to yesterday.
11. 火车缓缓驶进了车站.(roll in)
The train rolls in the station gradually.
12. 这两种思想互不相容.(incompatible)
The two thoughts are incompatible.
13. 希望全校同学们参加这些讨论.(participate)
I hope all the students at school can participate in these discussions.
14. 她总能设想与别人和睦相处.(keep peace with)
She is always trying to keep peace with others.
15. 天快黑了, 该回家了.(It’s time to…)
It's time to go home because it is going to be dark.