阅读下面短文并回答问题,然后将答案写到答案纸相应的位置上(请注意题后的词数要求)。[1]While mankind h

阅读下面短文并回答问题,然后将答案写到答案纸相应的位置上(请注意题后的词数要求)。[1]While mankind has always been seeking beauty, standards for the abstract thing have been changing constantly throughout history.[2]Walk around an art museum and you’re likely to see lost of fat female images in the artwork, For many centuries, being thin meant that you were ugly and poor-you didn’t have enough food to eat and you spent your days working in the fields, Being full-figured, on the other hand, was a symbol of .Today, while plenty of experts will point out that pictures of models and famous people are beautified and Barbie has an impossible-to-achieve figure, both men and women seek to be thin, sometimes through disordered eating ,unhealthy amounts of exercise and operation.[3] Make-up is another thing to which many women today are addicted, AncientEgyptians, Greeks and Romans loved make-up, However, these early civilizations were exceptions to the rule, as make-up was mostly avoided in the centuries following Queen Victorna went so far as to call all make-up rulgar(粗俗的)in a public speech, and modesty was the leading beauty trend for many years, But thanks to the introduction of movies, make-up came back in a big way .Today, it is a billion-dollar industry.[4]Though beauty might seem like a visual thing, smells also play a big role. Just imagine this: if a supermodel didn’t shower for months at a time, would we still consider her beautiful? Being clean is essential for anyone to be considered beautiful, but that would certainly surprise the generations of people who never bathed, They were concerned that wearing no clothes was immoral and the devil(魔鬼)would catch them during their bath, Now many of us can hardly go a day without taking a shower or bath, Additionally, in an effort of appearing more attractive, many of us try to smell like baby powder, flowers and fruits with the help of perfume.小题1:What is the main idea of the text?(no more than 8 words)[小题2:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words.(no nore than 4 words)小题3:What methods do some people try to be thin according to the text?(no more than 9 words)小题4:What does the word “it” (Line6,Paragraph3)probably refer to?(no more than 2 words)小题5:Which paragraph might the following sentence belong to? People worried that bathing could lead to serious illness.__________________________________________________________________________

小题1:Standards of beauty have been changing.或 Standards of beauty differ in different times.
小题2:beauty and wealth
小题3:disordered eating, unhealthy amount of exercise and operation
小题5:paragraph 4

小题1:主旨题:从第一段的句子:While mankind has always been seeking beauty, standards for the abstract thing have been changing constantly throughout history.可知这篇文章讲的是在不同的时期美丽的标准是不一样的。Standards of beauty have been changing.或 Standards of beauty differ in different times.
小题2:从上文的:being thin meant that you were ugly and poor-you didn’t have enough food to eat and you spent your days working in the fields,可知瘦是丑和穷的象征,反过来胖是美和财富的象征:beauty and wealth
小题3:细节题:从第二段的句子:both men and women seek to be thin, sometimes through disordered eating ,unhealthy amounts of exercise and operation.可知人们想要变瘦采取的方法有:不规律的饮食,不健康的锻炼和手术。disordered eating, unhealthy amount of exercise and operation
小题4:指代题:从第三段的第一句话:Make-up is another thing to which many women today are addicted,可知这段讲的是化妆,而这段多次提到化妆的流行和衰退,所以最后一句话里面的it指:Make-up
小题5:推理题:从第四段的句子:They were concerned that wearing no clothes was immoral and the devil(魔鬼)would catch them during their bath, 可知过去人们认为洗澡会导致生病,所以这句话是出现在第四段:paragraph 4