




两个人骑着单车穿行在沿山麓安静起伏的公路上,他和她肩和肩隔着一米的距离。心里的话总是不会讲的,而眼角的余光却可以穿透一切。 周围有树叶安静地落下来,满山满山的金黄色,男孩子天生的恶作剧,女孩子天生的矜持和沉默。


藤井树需要的是回忆,而对渡边博子来说,她需要的却是忘记。因为无法忘怀,她选择向天国投递情书;因为在意,她嫉妒男友把自己当成另一个人的影子;因为难以忘情,她始终不能接受另一个好友的爱。她写的情书,并没有投寄到天国,中途牵扯出另一段荡气回肠的爱,但博子的爱仍然没有找到出路,她的情书仍然没有到达男友的手里,所以她最后会去男友登山出事的地点,在一片皑皑群山之间,在雪地上,在日出前,她向自己生命中最重要的男人呼喊:“你好吗?我很好!”一遍又一遍。。。 简单的问候,令人肝胆俱碎。。。。



Look for each film will always think of a poem: its winding streets, the Buddhist temple deep flowers.
Very early to know the "love." In high school one day, in front of its publicity posters, only one, it exciting.
The screen is easy to clean,侧着脸of a young girl, looked up, looked at snow sky, lonely lonely, black and white.

Simple story, so it kind of simple narrative with you, and are described, and beautiful screen, money simple lines, no major conflict in the story, as the elegant cherry blossom, bloom at Memories and outlook. Let me think of the Shen Cong-wen's "Border Town", Meaningful long.

Her to accompany his mother over his Classmates to see the names of trees, as well as the tree the previous address. She knew that the place has changed dramatically, highways brutally through the trees that grow from small house.

Videos hidden cables woven dark, Hiroko Watanabe heroine can not forget to have the feelings of the lovers in heaven delivered a love letter, the content is simple: "How do you do? I am very good!"举重若轻grief.

Things just should not have received from a letter they received a reply letter from the beginning. And the clock began to retreat, has been back to青涩youthful, somewhat intense, cubeba green ignorant fools is a tsunami.
Two people riding a motorcycle through the foothills along the quiet road and downs, he and her shoulders and across the shoulder and one-meter distance. Mind, then always do not speak, and the eyes of Yu is able to penetrate everything. Around the leaves have quietly COME Down, Manshan Manshan golden boys born prank, girls naturally reserved and silent.

I have no way of knowing whether the trees and Fujii Hiroko Watanabe, who is happy. Already happy may be the absence of a definition.
Well female Teng wrote to Hiroko tree, the tree and the tree recalls memories of him and her.
He pockets trap her head, he blankly. Her mistake him get papers to come back after she found the back of exposure to draw a woman, her face flushed. Him every day, go library, stand in front of windows, the sun above him clean as those of the cloud of silence. She helped him to introduce his girlfriend, his cool with one face ignore. . . .

Fujii memories are of the required trees, while Hiroko Watanabe, she required, but are forgotten. Can not forget because she chose to love heaven delivery; care because her jealous boyfriend put themselves as the shadow of another person; because they are difficult to be unruffled by emotion, she always can not accept another friend's love. She wrote a love letter, there is no posting to heaven, halfway牵扯出荡气回肠another love, but love Hiroko's still not find a way out, her love still not arrive in the hands of her boyfriend, so her last boyfriend would go mountain climbing the location of the accident, in the midst of snow between the mountains, in the snow, at sunrise, she had to their lives the most important men shouting: "How do you do? I am very good!" over and over again. . . Simple greetings, it is in liver and gallbladder are broken. . . .
死得其所male protagonist, cherish the memory of two women were in the lives of the most gorgeous Department halted.

Finally put the tree Hiroko Her letter also addressed to all the mail also has to her. She said: These memories, in fact, are you, my belt does not go.

At the end of the film, are a group of female secondary school students go tell Fujii tree "Remembrance of Things Past" in secret, site Fujii lifelike sketch sideways tree, passion, hidden in the deepest corner of the world, also as Fujii tree hidden in the depths of the soul the most. Fujii tree does not speak, hands揩揩eyes, and stubborn to not shed tears. At this point cloudless blue sky, colorful leaves.
第1个回答  2009-03-07

第2个回答  2009-03-03
第3个回答  2009-03-03