
1 大雨使得我们无法进行比赛( prevented us from)
2 这季节公园里有各种各样的鲜花(all kinds of flowers;this season)
3 Tom在昨天的面试中失败了(fail in the interview)
4 取笑盲人是不礼貌的(impolite;to make fun of;the blind)
5 多亏了好天气,上星期天我们玩的很高兴.
Thanks to the good weather,
6 我的想法是以事实为技术.( be based on facts)
7 我们有一个月没收到我们孩子的信了.(hear from our child)
8 我确信他们能用一小时完成工作.(be sure that)
9 到明年年底,我们将在这儿工作了四年.(by the end of)
10 你为什么一筹莫展只是一个儿人坐在这?(do nothing but)
11 要看电视的人到202去(those who want to)
12 老师告诉我要将作业补上.(to make up for my homework)
13 在那场暴风雪中,没有一个人冻死(sonw-storm ,died from cold)
14 人们相信所有植物都需要水 (it is belived that)
15 这些学生不仅会说英语而且还会法语
16 他们用电子邮件保持着联系(keep in touch with ;by e-mail)
17 我想他出事了(hanppen to)
18 我从来没梦想会取得如此大的成功.(dream of)
19 重要的是要依靠我们自己(rely on)
20 我们将尽可能早地赶到那(as..as possible)

大雨使得我们无法进行比赛( prevented us from)
The heavy rain prevented us from continuing the game.
2 这季节公园里有各种各样的鲜花(all kinds of flowers;this season)
There are all kinds of flowers in the park in this season.
3 Tom在昨天的面试中失败了(fail in the interview)
Tom was failed in the yesterday's interview.
4 取笑盲人是不礼貌的(impolite;to make fun of;the blind)
It's impolite to make fun of the blind.
5 多亏了好天气,上星期天我们玩的很高兴.
Thanks to the good weather, we enjoyed a good time last Sunday.
6 我的想法是以事实为技术.( be based on facts)
What I thought was based on facts.
7 我们有一个月没收到我们孩子的信了.(hear from our child)
We haven't heard from our child's letter for a month.
8 我确信他们能用一小时完成工作.(be sure that)
I'm sure that they can finish the work in an hour.
9 到明年年底,我们将在这儿工作了四年.(by the end of)
By the end of next year, we will have worked here for four years.
10 你为什么一筹莫展只是一个儿人坐在这?(do nothing but)
Why do you do nothing but stay here alone?
11 要看电视的人到202去(those who want to)
Those who want to watch TV go to room202.
12 老师告诉我要将作业补上.(to make up for my homework)
The teacher told me to make up for my homework.
13 在那场暴风雪中,没有一个人冻死(sonw-storm ,died from cold)
No one died from cold in the snow storm.
14 人们相信所有植物都需要水 (it is belived that)
It is believed that all plants need water.
15 这些学生不仅会说英语而且还会法语
These students can speak not only English but also French.
16 他们用电子邮件保持着联系(keep in touch with ;by e-mail)
They keep in touch with each other by e-mail.
17 我想他出事了(hanppen to)
I think that sth happened to him.
18 我从来没梦想会取得如此大的成功.(dream of)
I've never dreamed of achieving such a great success.
19 重要的是要依靠我们自己(rely on)
What's important is that we should rely on our own.
20 我们将尽可能早地赶到那(as..as possible)
We'll arrive there as soon as possible.
第1个回答  2009-02-03
1 rain made the game we can not (prevented us from)
2 This season the park has a variety of flowers (all kinds of flowers; this season)
3 Tom interview in yesterday's failure (fail in the interview)
4 make fun of the blind is extremely impolite (impolite; to make fun of; the blind)
5 Thanks to the good weather, last Sunday we are playing very happy.
Thanks to the good weather,
6 I am thinking about is the fact that technology. (Be based on facts)
7 We have a month I have not received the letter of our children. (Hear from our child)
8 I am sure that they can complete its work within one hour. (Be sure that)
9 to the end of next year, we will be working here for four years. (By the end of)
10 Why are you unable to do anything is just a person sitting in this abuse? (Do nothing but)
11 people who depend on television to 202 to (those who want to)
12 teachers told me to make up work. (To make up for my homework)
13 in that snowstorm, no one froze to death (sonw-storm, died from cold)
14 It is believed that all plants need water (it is belived that)
15 of these students will not only speak English but also French
16 They maintained contact by e-mail (keep in touch with; by e-mail)
17 I think he had the accident (hanppen to)
18 I have never made such a big dream will be successful. (Dream of)
19 is important to rely on our own (rely on)
20 We will arrive as soon as possible that (as.. As possible)
第2个回答  2009-02-03
1 the heavy rain prevent us froming continuing the match
2 there are all kinds of flowers in the park in this season
3tom failed in the interview yeaterday
4it is impolite to make fun of the blind
5thanks to the good weather,we enjoyed ourselves very much last Sunday
6my opinion is based on facts
7we haven't heard from our child for a month
8I'm sure that they can finish their work in an hour
9by the end of next year, we will have been working here for 4 years
10 why do you do nothing but sitting here
11those who want to watch TV,please go to Room202
12 the teacher asked me to make up for my homewoek
13during the snow-storm, nobody died from cold
14it is believed that all plants need water
15 these students can speak not only English,but also French
16 they keep in touch with each other by e-mail
17 i guess something happend to him
18 never have I dreamed of getting such a great achievement
19 the important thing is that we should rely on ourselves
20 we will try to reach there as soon as possible
第3个回答  2009-02-04
1 rain made the game we can not (prevented us from)
2 This season the park has a variety of flowers (all kinds of flowers; this season)
3 Tom interview in yesterday's failure (fail in the interview)
4 make fun of the blind is extremely impolite (impolite; to make fun of; the blind)
5 Thanks to the good weather, last Sunday we are playing very happy.
Thanks to the good weather,
6 I am thinking about is the fact that technology. (Be based on facts)
7 We have a month I have not received the letter of our children. (Hear from our child)
8 I am sure that they can complete its work within one hour. (Be sure that)
9 to the end of next year, we will be working here for four years. (By the end of)
10 Why are you unable to do anything is just a person sitting in this abuse? (Do nothing but)
11 people who depend on television to 202 to (those who want to)
12 teachers told me to make up work. (To make up for my homework)
13 in that snowstorm, no one froze to death (sonw-storm, died from cold)
14 It is believed that all plants need water (it is belived that)
15 of these students will not only speak English but also French
16 They maintained contact by e-mail (keep in touch with; by e-mail)
17 I think he had the accident (hanppen to)
18 I have never made such a big dream will be successful. (Dream of)
19 is important to rely on our own (rely on)
20 We will arrive as soon as possible that (as.. As possible)