
熊猫是我国的“国宝”( national treasures) ,只能生活在中国。以竹子为食,颜色黑 白相间。它们会上树,很可爱,但是熊猫 濒临灭绝,因为人类砍伐森林,竹子数址 减少。让我们一起植树造林,多种植竹子 ,一起拯救熊猫吧。根据以上描述,写一篇60词的小短文

Giant pandas are China's nationaltreasure.
They live in SiChuang province and Gansu province in China.They have black and white fur.Their eyes are big and they are fat.We love them very much.They like eating bamboo.They can climb trees and swim.
Now,there are only about 1000 giant pandas.So we must try our best to protect them.
第1个回答  2014-05-22
Giant pandas are the national treasures of China. They live only in central China. Giant panda wear black-and white coats and are very cute. They are able to climb trees and can eat only bamboo. As a result of deforestation, Giant pandas are in danger of dying from lack of suitable food. So let's make concerted efforts on bamboo's afforestation to help their chances of survival.
第2个回答  2014-05-23




熊猫吃东西的时候,常常直着身子盘腿坐下,前爪抓住鲜嫩的竹子往嘴里送。它爱吃鲜嫩的竹叶。吃饱了,还得嘴口水润润喉咙。他走到水池边,俯下身子,前腿靠着池边,低下头,咕咚咕咚的喝起来。看它那副模样,真是人发笑。 熊猫真是一种可爱的动物。