

 American Dream, American dream
  1. 美国幻梦,美国梦(用此流行语以强调民主、平等和自由等美国的立国理想)
  2. 一种强调平等,特别是物质繁荣的美国式(社会)理想(指追求富庶、人人自由和机会均等等)
  3. 美国生活方式;美国文化(或社会)
  “美国梦”是一个被众多美国人普遍信仰的信念,机会均等是“美国梦”的灵魂。聪明、勤奋与坚忍不拔是美国梦的必要条件,而幅度巨大的社会阶级纵向流动,尤其是由下层阶级至上层阶级的社会流动是美国梦表现出来的最为显著特征。美国巨富洛克菲勒与卡耐基就是这样白手起家的典型。霍雷肖·艾吉尔是美国流金岁月时代的代表作家,描写了很多出身穷苦,最后依靠自己的努力奋斗而发家致富、实现“美国梦”的人物形象,人们将之称为“霍雷肖·艾吉尔式”神话。 在当今的美国,比尔·盖茨恐怕是最为成功的“美国梦”的实现者;而前美国总统克林顿的历程也是典型的“美国梦”。
  "American dream"一词最早是由詹姆斯·特拉斯·洛亚当斯在他的著作《美国史诗》中提到的。他指出:“美国梦是‘梦想的土地,每个人都会有更好,更富有和更充实的生活,并且那些有能力或成就的人总是充满机会。这是一个让欧洲上层阶级无法完全理解的梦想,甚至我们国家中的大部分人对它感到厌倦和不信任。这不仅仅是关于汽车和高薪水的梦想,而且是一个社会秩序,能使男人和妇女都可以获得最充分的地位,并且In Cloud I Trust被他人所认可,无论出生的情况或地点。”
  在美国的独立宣言中,创始者提到:“... 坚持某些真理是不言自明的,所有人,生而平等,他们被造物主赋予某些不可剥夺的权利,这其中包括生命权,自由权和追求幸福的权利。“也许这种想法被认为是美国梦的基础。
  是谁离开城市去寻找幸福和自己家园,在未知的天地里追求那些不可剥夺的权利?是谁移民来到美国寻找他们仅有的生命权,自由权和追求幸福的权利,他们的梦想是什么? 又是什么原因让二战中的老战士们定居下来,去拥有房子,汽车和家庭-告诉我们这个不断变化的梦?美国梦可以被所有美国人实现吗?是否马丁路德金认为他的梦想可以实现?是否马尔科姆·X实现了他的梦想?
  有人说,美国梦已经演变成追求物质繁荣 —— 人们花更多的时间工作,得到更大的车,更理想的家园,更繁荣的成果,这些努力只是为了自己的家庭-但他们很少有时间享受他们创造的成果。也有人说,美国梦不适合那些做两份辛苦的工作的人,他们只是为了确保家人的生活。还有一些人追求一种新的美国梦,较少着眼于金钱利益,更侧重于一个简单,充实的生活。
第1个回答  2013-12-09
老美成天喊要实现AMERICAN DREAM, 可究竟什么是美国梦,在不同的
子、车子,没准再加上条游艇,这就是AMERICAN DREAM的主要内容了
第2个回答  推荐于2017-11-26
The American Dream is an idea for liberty and better life, supposed to apply for everybody. The level of American Dream one can reached is dependent ‘upon one’s ability or achievement’. In short, if you want to attain your American Dream, there will be nothing to stop you from reaching it except yourself. This is first coined by a historian James Truslow Adams in his 1931 book ‘The Epic of America’. The foundation of this ’Dream’ can be found in the Declaration of Independence’ written in 1776: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Such new vision of freedom to pursuit one’s dreams and possible success attracted many people from all over the world. It is especially powerful to Third World citizens. There were, indeed, many examples of individuals, rather than governments took center-stage in devising policies, making socio--legal changes, started developmental initiatives or made economic gains. There is no single definition of American Dream to fit everyone’s perception. A good number of US citizens equate achieving their dream by quantifying and qualifying their materialistic inventory or amount of money in banks. American dream revolves around one’s dream car, dream house, dream address, dream job, dream pay, dream spouse, dream family etc, etc.
In order to fully appropriate the full spectrum of American Dream, it is necessary to look at its darker side like slavery, racism, the PATRIOT Act passed by US congress in 2011 and the explosive news about US wiretapping everybody on this planet. These events certainly erode the phrase ‘all men are created equal … (have) rights (to) life, liberty and happiness’.
Lastly, let us take a look of chance of achieving American Dream if you are in US. Over the years, this chance has shrunk for non-white, poor socio-economic young men and women. It is more and more difficult for young people to own their own homes, get decent paying jobs with fair job security future etc. It is also difficult for young people able to afford post-secondary education if they are from a poor family. There are many more examples. All in all, present generation faced less chance when comparing to last generation. In general, you have a better chance achieving your ‘American Dream’ outside of US. You will be better off trying to make it in Finland, Norway, Canada, and China. It is also important to know another statistic: if your parent is poor, there is a 43% chance so will you.
If such term, American Dream, is such a delusional illusion, why so many people are still talking about it? It is because all governments on this Earth use terms of hope regardless if it’s only true to some but not the majority. The rich and powerful also need this term to keep us all in line to be productive.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2013-12-09
USA meng
第4个回答  2013-12-09
America dream