

第1个回答  2016-04-18
Ⅰ. 1.mad 2.nervous 3. fortunately 4.health 5. hometown
6. supposed 7. danger 8. return 9.copy 10.started
Ⅱ. 11. finishing 12. was having 13.her 14. surprised 15.truth
16. lucky 17.to do 18.unhappy 19.asleep 20.farther
Ⅲ. 21.D. 22. B. 23. A. 24. C. 25.C 26. C 27. D 28.C 29. C 30. D
Ⅳ. 31—35 C A C B C 36—40 AB B DA
Ⅴ. 41—45 E B D A C
Ⅵ. (A)46.B. 47.A. 48.D. 49.C. 50. B
(B)51.his teacher gave him 52.into a ball/dirty
53.It was still worth 100 Yuan / It didn’t go down in value.
54.as if they are worth nothing./ you will never lose your value.
55. we shouldn’t give up.
Ⅶ.One possible version:
My math teacher said I was a hard-working boy and the Spanish teacher said I was good at speaking. My geography teacher said I did well in writing. But I didn’t do very well in other subjects. My history teacher told me to do better. My Chinese is so-so. My science teacher said I was a lazy student.