用big small wide long home round 英语单词造句


big: There is a big park in our city. 在我们的城市有一个大大的公园。small: My bedroom is small but clean. 我的卧室很小但却很干净。wide: Songhua River is wide. 松花江很宽。long: My mother's hair is long. 我妈妈的头发很长。home: I go home at 5:00 every day. 我每天都在5点钟回家。round: I have a round face. 我有一张圆圆的脸。
第1个回答  2013-10-16
I have a big ball. The ping-pong ball is very small. The street is wide and clean. It is a long river. I go home on foot every day. The earth is round.
第2个回答  2013-10-16
My bag is big.My school is a small one.The road is wide.The road is long.My home is not far.I failed at the first round of the game.
第3个回答  2013-10-16
I have big eyesThe small dog is cuteThe road is wideShe has long hairI want to go homeHe has round face