补全对话(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据语境,用恰当的语言完成对话。(Happy is talking with hi

补全对话(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据语境,用恰当的语言完成对话。(Happy is talking with his classmate, Cheng Cheng, on the hallway.)Happy=H Cheng Cheng=CC: Happy, summer vacation is coming soon. How happy!小题1:______________________?H: I’ve no idea. Maybe I’m traveling with my classmates.C: But do your parents allow you to travel by yourselves?H: I’m not sure. But I think teenagers should be allowed to make their own decisions.C: 小题2:______________________________. We are old enough to take care of ourselves.H: That’s right. 小题3:______________________________________________ ?C: Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t go with you. I’m planning to join an English language club.H: Wow, why do you work so hard? Your English is good.C: 小题4:______________. But not good enough. I always dream about studying aboard (往国外) one day.H: That sounds good. 小题5:____________________________________________?C: It’s certain that I’d like to go to an English-speaking country. But I don’t know which one exactly right now.H: You’re great. I think you can make your dream come true.

小题1:What are you going to do?/ What’s your plan?/ What are you planning to do?
小题2:I agree with you./ I think so.
小题3:Would you like to travel with us?/ Why not travel with us? / What about traveling with us?
小题4:Thank you very much!/ Thanks a lot!/ Thanks!
小题5:Which country would you like to go?/ Where do you want to study?/ Which country would you like to study in?

小题1:联系原文:--暑假就要来了。多么开心啊!你打算做什么?--没有想好。可能,我将要和我的同学去旅行。分析:答语说出了打算去做什么,因此,问题对打算做什么进行提问故填:What are you going to do?/ What’s your plan?/ What are you planning to do?
小题2:联系上文:--我认为青年人应该被允许有自己的决定。--我同意。我们是足够的大了能照顾好自己了。分析:前面提到父母们可能不同意,但是两人提出他们已经能照顾好自己了,对此都表示赞同。故填:I agree with you./ I think so.
小题3:联系原文:--你想和我们一起旅行吗?--抱歉,我害怕我不能和你们一起去。我正打算去加入一个英语俱乐部。联系对话内容,一定是邀请同去旅行。故填:Would you like to travel with us?/ Why not travel with us? / What about traveling with us?
小题4:联系前文:--为什么你学习如此的努力?你的英语是优秀的。--谢谢。但是,并不是足够的好。我一直梦想着有一天能够去国外学习。分析:当听到对方的表扬时,一定要向其表示谢谢。故填:Thank you very much!/ Thanks a lot!/ Thanks!
小题5:联系下文:我想去一个说英语的国家。但是现在还没有决定去哪一个国家。因此上文一定是对其要去哪一个国家而进行提问。故填:Which country would you like to go?/ Where do you want to study?/ Which country would you like to study in?