
今天我们学习第二单元的第二课,这是一篇对话。首先在教材中我们看到了一张图片,图片下方作了说明。从中我们了解了对话的具体情境,了解了对话中出现的两个人物,他们分别是金太成(Kim Tae-sung)和山口(Yamaguchi),在汉语中他们分别为“金太成和山口”。
另外在图片上还看到了其他一些信息,在门上写有“开馆时间 7:00—22:30”的字样。

Today we will study 2nd class of unit two,this is a conversation. Now,we can see a picture in our text,there is explaination under the picture from where we can know the background of the picture.There are two person in this picture,they are Kim Tae-sung and Yamaguchi,and "Jin Taicheng & Shan Kou" in Chinese.

We can get other information from picture,just like,"open time 7:00-22:30" written on the door.

Next,let's study this conversation together.

第1个回答  2006-12-17
Today we are going to learn the second lesson of unit two.This is a dialogue.Now first look at a picture in our books,under the picture there is the explain of it.we can know the circs of it and those two person.One of it is Kim Tae-sung and another one is Yamaguchi.And in this picture,we can see that the museum(我不知道是什么馆,这个是博物馆)is opened on 7 and closed on half past 10.Let's learn this dialogue together.
第2个回答  2006-12-17
The second lesson we should learn from today's second unit, which is a dialogue. First, we see a picture in teaching materials, photographs described below. We understand the specific context from a dialogue, a dialogue to understand the two characters. They are too much into the Kim Tae-sungand Yamaguchi . They were in the Chinese Language "金太成and山口" Also in the photo also saw some other message, written at the door "opening hours 7:00-22 : 30 "message. Now we work together to study the specific content of the dialogue :