

Step 1: In the bowl containing the flour and salt, make a well in the center and add the yeast.

Step 2: Knead the dough. 第二步:揉生面团。

Step 3: Placed the kneaded dough into the oiled bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let it rise in a warm spot until it doubles in size. 第三步:把揉好的面团放在盛着油的碗里,用塑料膜覆盖好,让它在温暖的环境下发酵到原体积的两倍大。

Step 4: Check to see if the dough is done. If the dough makes an indentation when poked, it's ready. 第四步:检查面团是否准备好了。如果面团一摁一个坑的话,就说明准备好了。

Step 5: Place a ball of dough in the center of the pan and spread it out, using a rolling pin or your hands.. 第五步:把面团放在大盘正中,用擀面杖或手摊成饼。

Step 6. Top the spread dough with your favorite ingredients and bake in a 500-degree F oven for approximately 10 minutes. The pizza is done. 第六步:在面饼上加上你最喜欢的佐料,在500华氏度的烤箱里烤大约10分钟,这张比萨就做好了。
第1个回答  2023-12-02