

第1个回答  2022-11-27





  Han Dynasty was one of the most important dynasties in Chinese history. There were many significant achievements during the Han Dynasty. It was the first to open its doors to other cultures. Foreign trade flourished during this period. The Silk Road initiated by Han Dynasty led all the way to the West Asia and even to Rome. Various forms of art prospered, with the emergence of a lot of literature, history and philosophy masterpieces. 100 A.D. witnessed the completion of the first Chinese dictionary which included 9000 words, providing interpretation and various styles of writing. Meanwhile, technology had also achieved great progress. Paper, water clocks, sundials and earthquake detectors were invented. The reign has lasted for 400 years. However, the corruption of the rulers eventually led to its downfall.


  1. 词汇考查:本篇是六级三套试卷中词汇考查最侧重的一篇,有朝代(dynasty),统治(reign),对外贸易(foreign trade),丝绸之路(the Silk Road),中西亚(the West Asia),罗马(Rome),哲学(philosophy),巨著(masterpiece),编撰(compile),水钟(water clock),测量地震的仪器(earthquake detector),腐败(corruption),灭亡(downhill / demise)。

  2. 语法考查:最高级考察(汉朝是中国历史上最重要的朝代之一),同主语分句的翻译(它最先向其他文化敞开大门,对外贸易兴旺),并列结构的翻译(涌现了很多文学、历史、哲学巨著),被动语态(公元100年中国第一部字典编撰完成),无主句的翻译(提供释义并列举不同的写法)。





  2011 witnesses the historic moment of the Chinese urbanization process. The urban population exceeded the rural population for the first time. In the next 20 years, it is estimated that about 350 million rural people would move to the cities. This scale of urbanization is both a challenge and an opportunity to urban transportation. The Chinese government has been promoting "people-oriented" development philosophy, which emphasizes that people should choose buses over private cars. It also calls for building "a resource-saving and environment-friendly" society. With this clear objective, Chinese cities will be able to better plan their development, and invest heavily on the evolution of a safe, clean and economical transportation system.