


1、在句子中作副词:"She looked everywhere for her keys."(她到处找钥匙。)"I've searched everywhere, but I can't find my phone."(我到处找了,但找不到手机。)

2、与介词结合使用:"They traveled everywhere in Europe."(他们在欧洲各地旅行。)"There were flowers everywhere in the garden."(花儿开遍了整个花园。)

3、在疑问句和否定句中使用:"Have you been everywhere in the city?"(你去过城里的每个地方吗?)"I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list."(我没去过每个地方,但这在我的清单上。)

4、与 "all" 组合使用:"Everyone is welcome everywhere."(每个人都受到欢迎,任何地方。)"They want to explore all the beautiful places everywhere."(他们想要探索到处所有美丽的地方。)

需要注意:"Everywhere" 强调了一个广泛的范围,表示在很多不同地方或一切地方都发生的事情。在正式的写作和口语中,可以使用 "everywhere" 来代替 "in every place"。"Everywhere" 可以用于描述真实存在的地方,也可以用于比喻性的描述。

因此"everywhere" 是一个常用的英语副词,用于表示某事物或某个动作发生的地点或范围,能够强调广泛的范围和普遍性。它可以与动词、介词、疑问句和否定句等各种语法结构搭配使用,用来描述各种不同场景下的地点或范围。


1、The smell of fresh flowers was everywhere in the room. (房间里到处都是鲜花的香味。)

2、People were rushing everywhere to catch the train. (人们到处都在匆忙赶火车。)

3、The children spread their toys everywhere around the house. (孩子们把玩具散落在房子的各个角落。)

4、The news about the concert was everywhere on social media. (关于音乐会的消息在社交媒体上无处不在。)

5、The city was decorated with colorful lights everywhere for the festival. (为了庆祝节日,城市到处都点缀着五彩斑斓的灯光。)
