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第1个回答  2010-07-07
董芳卓(1985年1月23日-),原名董方卓,是一位中?足球???,身高185厘米,?重75公斤。他是第一位效力英超「豪?」曼?的中?籍球?。 目?[?藏] 1生涯 2改名 3??上??? 4?考文? [??]生涯董芳卓??生涯起于中?甲B??的大?毅?少年?。2000年?,大??德?毅?中收?了董芳卓,成?大??德四?的球?之一,同年的全????中,他助球??得了冠?。 翌年,他??了沙?地阿拉伯的阿布杜拉王子?。其后的1年,「小董」?升至大??德二?(即大??德隆和其后的上海?城),之中,?首度於甲B??上?,他???17?左右。2003年,是「小董」??中?的前1年,他在A3??中代表大??德??,?度后?上?。?后的?洲??冠??中,董芳卓在第二?分??中攻入他在俱?部的第一球。 2004年,英超俱?部曼?以3,500,000英?的???(首付1,000,000英?)?入董芳卓,后租借至比利?的安特?普,身批9??袍。他在2005至2006?季中以上?28?,攻入18球的成?,成?比利?乙?????射手。在?季未?始的暑假,「小董」曾返回曼?一段???2005曼??洲之旅的?香港?的比?上,董芳卓身穿43?球衣打入了自?曼?效力以?的?人第一??球,??助曼?以2-0???手。2006年暑假的南非之旅中,他再一次代表曼?上?多?友??,取得????球。 他在2006年12月15日曼??於成功?董芳卓取得工作?,?於年尾返回曼?[1]。?后在1月17日,「小董」?曼?正式??合?,?期4年,直至2010年??,??穿起21?的球衣,但在2008/2009?季,董芳卓的球衣又被收回,?了拉斐????席?瓦。[2][3] 2007年3月13日,曼???一???祝?盟成立以及曼??加?洲?五十周年的表演?,?手?由多位?洲球星?成的?洲明星?,比?至第72分?,董芳卓替?阿??史密斯出?,首次代表曼?一?亮相,最?曼?以四比三???手。5月9日,董方卓在???路士的英超??中首次?已?得????的曼?首?出?。可惜董芳卓的表?未如理想,下半?中段被替?下?。?后英??媒?他的?分??4分,?是是??球出?球?合共28人之中所得的最低分?。 2007年7月1日回??,代表中??上?,因多次?食的表?,遭到香港球迷柴台。 2007年8月4日,小董在??英乙球?彼德堡?,攻入1球??上1?助攻,?束重返曼?后多?月的?球荒。同年的12月13日,董芳卓在???事中后?替?出?,成???祥以后第二位?????事的中?球?[4]。 在2007年至2008年?季中,整??季中?得?次於正式比?上?,其???皆於???渡?。 在2008年北京??中,他在??西?的?事中攻下了中?於男子足球?目中的首??球[5]。 在2008年8月27日,董芳卓因被提前解?而重返大?海昌足球?俱?部[6]。 [??]改名 2007年7月底,董芳卓?名??自己的名字?成了由「董方卓」改?了「董芳卓」,?了解,?是因?一位??研究?名的字??家?他的提?,因???「?起?更加好看一些」 董芳卓( 1985年1月23日 - ),原 名董 方 卓,是 一位中? 足球
第2个回答  2010-07-07
Media reports say the rockets have extremely is already the Houston bosh third choice
Chris bosh, gave the rockets general manager daryl morey - 20 of lille to meet the minutes, but the knicks and high-level for more than two and a half hours of talks, The Toronto raptors to help bosh sign-and-trade deal get Max contract no longer cherished illusions,Cheap Nfl Jerseys, because the spurs, mavs, the quotation etc, knight failed to impress the raptors... Everything looks, it seems that the rockets have no hope bosh, but that is not the case. Beijing time on July 4, according to the ESPN columnist Chris bloom sal revealed, actually the rockets now has a very good chance of get bosh, because they are the third choice bosh --

Sarkozy is in bloom in a television ESPN said this news, he says,Nhl Jersey, although the raptors to help bosh sign-and-trade deal get Max contract no hope, but the rockets still have a good chance of a sign-and-trade deal, because the raptors have bosh by this way, after all this away bosh they could get some of the reward. Sarkozy Pluto's also revealed the rockets have become the third choice: 1 bosh and lebron James (but not to play), 2 knights and dwyane wade, 3, joined the China market has morey and rockets.

Actually, these three options from the biggest competitor should is in Miami. Wade, For from the current situation, the possibility and James with bosh is very small. Additional, according to another ESPN columnist Stephen a. Smith on television in the leaks, bosh is talking with A sign-and-trade, and WeiDeHe bosh has abandoned the idea with James common teams. "The big three" are not in the same team, or because though they talk, I'm afraid to say to impact, but who championship want more contracts and a bigger club status.

But for the rockets, heat will is a very big rivals. The summer heat, make the space of compensation for the two stars, they can ChuDing open paid contract, so can contract extension with dwyane wade and circumstances,Real Jersey, to open ChuDing paid contract bosh. The spurs and mavs, such as salary, trapped in the space of team only sign-and-trade. In addition, WeiDeHe gold coach pat riley, Miami, attracting bosh also extremely adverse factors for the rockets.

But sarkozy's Pluto as said,Usa Team Jersey, now the rockets have very good chance to get bosh. Although they are presently is only the third choice, but bosh has not yet formally in talks with bosh the circumstances, can the rockets in third place, he has been fully explain them in the heart of the position, bosh also shows to play back home. Bosh Meanwhile, yao, China market, the most profound depth, and the rockets attract bosh chips!
第3个回答  2010-07-07

第4个回答  2012-06-17
我想要 有吗?