
A. appropriately; B. misleading; C. positive; D. success; E. absence; F. disturbing; G. awarded; H. contents; I. statistics; J. graduate; K. approximately; L. rewarded; M. earn; N. grant; O. attendance In West Virginia and in New York, one out of four students drops out of high school. In Washington, DC, the [21] are even worse. One half of all high school students never [22] . Nationwide, the overall dropout rate is [23] 29 %. Many say they drop out because they are bored. Because of this, U.S. educators are trying to figure out a way to stop this [24] trend. In Milwaukee, some Schools are having lotteries for used cars for students who stay in school. In Philadelphia, at-risk students are being [25] summer jobs for staying m school. But in a New Jersey high school, one principal is using money, not jobs, as an incentive (刺激).
This school received a hundred-thousand-dollar [26] to pay students who are at risk of dropping out. When these students go to school on time, bring their notebooks, and do their homework, they [27] five dollars a day. This means students can bring home a twenty-five dollar check every week-for going to classes five days in a row. While the program is new, the principal claims that he has already achieved a higher rate of [28] with this money incentive. But some say it is too early to talk about the, program's [29] . Still others feel that even if it does work, using money as an incentive is [30]

a .适当;b .误导;c .积极;d .成功;e .缺席;f .不安;g .获得;h .内容,即统计;j .研究生;k约;l奖励;m .获得;n .格兰特;o .在纽约出席在西弗吉尼亚州和四个学生中就有一个下降的高中。在华盛顿特区,[21]是更糟。一个一半的高中学生从不[22]。全国范围内的总辍学率[23]29%。许多人说,他们退出,因为他们是无聊。正因为如此,美国教育工作者正在努力想办法阻止这[24]的趋势。在密尔沃基,一些学校正在彩票对二手车的学生留在学校。在费城,高危学生正在[25]暑期工作呆在学校。但在新泽西州的高中,一个主要是使用钱,不工作,作为一个激励(刺激)。这所学校收到了三千三百美金[26]支付学生辍学的危险。当这些学生准时上学,把他们的笔记本电脑,做作业,他们[27]5美元一天。这意味着学生可以带回家一百二十五美元的检查每一个足够去类连续五天。在程序新校长声称他已经取得了较高的[28]用这笔资金激励。但有些为时过早谈论说,程序的[29]。还有的人认为,即使它工作,用金钱作为激励追问

