怎么成为海员 英语有什么要求

我是2010年的应届高中毕业生 初高中英语没有好好学 可以说是英语文盲 毕业证纯靠朋友帮忙才拿到的 不过自己喜欢大海 想从事海员这个职业 圆了自己的航海的梦想 想问问我怎样才可以作一名高级海员无论是轮机还是驾驶 自己想考远洋的 怎么就业 是先和企业签合同在培训还是先培训 所谓的航海英语难不难 这个职业有什么需要注意的没 工资真的有那么高?那些培训学校怎么样黑不黑请给小弟推荐几个不错教师学校负责的 谢谢 各位上过船,考过证的哥哥叔叔们,能给我一个准确的答案吗???(职业刷屏的人无扰 关于海员的可以说没我没看过的请说说自己的真实经历)

第1个回答  2010-02-25
如果你英语很不好,建议你学轮机管理专业。你想考的应该叫 甲类高级船员。如果你想比较容易的通过所有考试,就去山东一带的 航海类学校 。关于就业 培训的问题,如果你学习不是很好,就应该先跟公司签就业合同去指定学校培训,就业有保障,培训考试也相对容易些。如果你打算上航海类学校以后拼命学习的话,就自己报名上学。你要是想先签合同再培训的话就把简历给我投过来。我帮你。
第2个回答  2010-02-25
I just graduated this year, sailing school, and signed a two-month sit just great card. I am the ocean, and tertiary schools is not to say. I'll talk about English, and I, and you are not the same as my English was good, the University received four, and six almost. I think that if you want to learn school bar turbines, marine navigation on the English language requirement for a relatively low point, this can be reflected in the G cards in English only sailing a turbine not, the interview is also good, especially spoken English, good, absolute advantage. You say I am not particularly clear salary, I am now signed a 12-month internship wages of 400 dollars a month, for three month internship after the 2300 U.S. dollars. But the work is signed by you and the companies and owners are very different, and we have the same quarters and I have a difference of 7000 yuan per month, and wages and shipping is good or bad relationship, this I believe that You should be aware of. As you say I do not understand the training center, and I am a college entrance examination in the past to study, so only know about my own school. Do not know what I dare not make irresponsible remarks of. This is my own personal experience, you must say that I talk nonsense I have no alternative.
Hope that if you really want to learn to do after the sailing crew of the Chinese ocean-going sailors to our glory.
第3个回答  2010-02-26


第4个回答  2010-02-25