translate into English

translate into English有一条恶龙,每一年要求村庄送一个处女作为献祭。每一年都有勇士去与恶龙战斗,却从未有人生还。这一年又有勇士踏上屠龙征程,不过这一次有一个村民悄悄跟随。在龙穴中,村民看见了无数宝藏,勇士用宝剑刺死了恶龙,然后坐在龙的尸体上,看着金光闪闪的宝藏,他慢慢的生出了鳞甲,长出了尾巴,最后变成了恶龙

第1个回答  2016-12-05
There is a dragon, each year asked the village to send a virgin as a sacrifice. Every year there are warriors to fight the dragon, but no one survived. This year the Warriors embarked on a journey, but this time there is a villager quietly follow. In the Longxue, the villagers saw countless treasures, the Warriors stabbed the dragon with a sword, and then sat on the dragon's body, watching the golden treasure, he slowly gave birth to the scales, grow the tail, the last Into a dragon本回答被网友采纳