求七人英语剧剧本word ,初中水平

包括旁白在内的七人全英语舞台剧,时间在5分钟以上。可以有恶搞但是要符合年龄段因为要表演给家长看。最好是那种正常的故事然后结尾出人意料一下,比如罗密欧与朱丽叶,两人双双殉情之后罗密欧却醒过来正好瞧见一个路过的王子,结果做了他的骑士最后"Gay" end这样的。。。


Be Myself (by Betty Liao)
Cathy: Dr. Chao who helps Adam to get plastic surgery
Dorothy: Dorothy, the girl finally found by Adam and marry him.
Emma: Emma, a clerk of a department store, who falls in love with Adam.
Ray: Adam, before he has a plastic surgery.
Silaia: Silaia, Adam’s first girlfriend.
Tina: Adam, after the plastic surgery
Stanley: Stan, a handsome but a bad guy

(Adam and Silaia sit on the grass and look at the stars together.)
Adam: Oh, Silaia! Why are you so cute?
Silaia: Hmm, because you love me so much. I’m getting more and more beautiful.
Adam: Oh, sweetheart! (Looks at Silaia and embraces her) Honey, look! There’re some shooting stars. We can make a wish. I hope I can marry you, the cutest girl in the world.
(Silaia looks at Adam with tender eyes.)
Silaia: Well…I hope I can have a better life.
Adam: What kind of life?
Silaia: Well…I hope…
Adam: (interrupts Silaia) Marry me, my love.
Silaia: …I can have a taller and more handsome boyfriend.
Adam: What are you talking about? I’m not the best?
Stan: (Suddenly shows up) Of course, you’re not! (to Silaia) Hi, honey! I’m the guy that God orders me to save you from this PIG!!!
Silaia: (Runs away with Stan) Oh, I have a taller and more handsome boyfriend now! We’re over, Adam. God, I love you!!!
Adam: No! Don’t go! Please! Don’t leave me!
Silaia and Stan: Get out! You fool!
Adam: (Looks at the sky) God! Please tell me why. Why?
God: Because you’re too fat and too ugly. Go and ask Dr. Chao. She’ll be your Savior.
Adam: Dr. Chao…Who is she? My Savior?
(In a clinic Dr. Chao is talking to Adam.)
Adam: Doctor, what’s wrong with me? Why did my girlfriend leave me??
Dr. Chao: It’s no big deal. Let me look at you carefully. You have two eyes, one nose, one mouth and two ears, just like other people.
Adam: But my girlfriend thinks that I’m too fat and too ugly.
Dr. Chao: (To audience) Another person wants to change his face for love! (To Adam) Young man, do you know true love is not built on the surface?
Adam: I don’t care about that! I want to be a handsome and strong man! I want every woman is crazy about me!
Dr. Chao: OK, I’ll do whatever you want.
Adam: Which do you think is a better model for me? Jay or Lien?
Dr. Chao: …Jay is much better if you want to be a strong man. Do you know Lien is a fatty?
Adam: Oh, Jay! I’m going to look like you!
(Dr. Chao has a surgery for Adam.)
(A few days later)
Adam: Thank you, Dr. Chao. You made me cool and handsome.
Dr. Chao: I’m glad you like your new appearance. Good luck!
(Adam leaves the clinic with a good mood, and takes a walk. He is intoxicated in a world where he is really a handsome man. Everything seems wonderful.)
Adam: My clothes are too big for me now. I wanna buy some new clothes right now!
(He walks into a department store.)
Emma: May I help you, sir?
Adam: I want some clothes to match my handsome face.
Emma: Well, here are some clothes for you. And I think they match you perfectly.
(Adam tries on the clothes, then looks at Emma and becomes more and more tender.)
Adam: Miss!! What’s your name?
Emma: I’m Emma.
Adam: Emma, I’m falling in love with you!!
Emma: I’m shy…(Runs away.)
Adam: Don’t go away, baby.
(Adam overtakes and kisses Emma. Hyper romantic background music, Adam and Emma go out of the stage hand in hand.)
(Adam and Emma come back to the stage hand in hand.)
Adam: Emma, I love you so much!!!
Emma: Umm, I love you more than you love me!
Adam: I love you just like a mouse loves the rice.
(Adam kisses Emma and embraces her in his arms. Then Emma touches Adam’s
Emma: Wow! Why are you so strong?
Adam: Because I love you. I want to protect you, and give you a happy life.
(Adam does some exercises.) (Background music)
Emma: Wow! You’re really great!!
Adam: So?
Emma: By the way, I’m having a baby.
Adam: Really?? I’m going to be a father!! Oh, my!!
Emma: But you’re not the father.
(Stan appears.)
Stan: I’m the father.
Adam: Why?? It’s you again??
Stan: (makes a face)
(Stan and Emma go away hand in hand.)
Adam: Haven’t I become handsome like Jay?? Why was I dumped by a girl again??
(Adam walks on a street alone. He comes to the plastic clinic again.)
Dr. Chao: I know what you want. Let me help you again.
Adam: Umm……
Dr. Chao: I told you that love is not built on the surface. The most important thing is a true heart. Now I’m going to transform you to the real you.
Adam: Umm……
Dr. Chao: The world will not be changed for you even if you’re a handsome man now. After the surgical operation, I hope you can think about that.
(Dr. Chao does a surgical operation for Adam.)
(After Adam finishes the plastic surgery, he finds he is not really a bad man. He is self-confident now. And he meets his girlfriend, Dorothy.)
Dorothy: Hey, Adam. Do you want to go hiking this weekend? You’ve eaten too much these days. You need some exercises.
Adam: Of course, honey. I feel so lucky you’re my girlfriend!
Dorothy: Oh, darling, why are you so silly? Because I love you, I want to do everything good for you. (Background music: Because I love you.)
Adam: When we go hiking this weekend, I’m going to give you a surprise!
Dorothy: Wow, I’m looking forward to it.
(In a mountain village)
Adam: Honey, look! There’re some shooting stars. We can make a wish. What wish do you want to make?
Dorothy: World peace and……
Adam: And?
Dorothy: And a happy life with you forever.
Adam: Wow…
Dorothy: And you? What wish do you want to make?
Adam: I hope I can marry you, the loveliest girl in the world.
Dorothy: Wow……
Adam: I love you, Dorothy. Marry me!
Dorothy: Yes!
(After proposing to Dorothy, Adam starts a happy new life with Dorothy. And a few years later, they have babies. They have a family, and they all enjoy their life. )