

draw in:(火车等)进站、到达;吸引。

    进站:The train drew in and all the passengers got off. (列车缓缓驶进了车站,所有的乘客都下了车。)

    吸引:It's stupid trying to draw in customers with prizes and gifts! (想用奖品和礼品引来顾客是愚蠢的事!

draw back:撤回、收回;退却。

    收回:He will not draw back from what he has promised. (他允诺过的事是不会收回去的。)

    退却:The dog drew back in terror when it saw the snake. (那狗看到这条蛇时,害怕得缩了回去。)

draw up:起草;停住。

    起草:We'll notify her to draw up a contract. (我们将通知她起草一份合同。)

    停住:A taxi draw up in front of the house. (一辆出租汽车在房子前面停了下来。)

draw off:脱去;转移、离开。

    脱去:Please help me to draw off these muddy boots. (请帮我脱掉这满是泥浆的靴子。)

    离开:The enemy's heavy losses forced them to draw off. (敌军伤亡惨重,被迫撤退。)
