
第一句:上星期姐姐给你介绍的那个姑娘你是不是一直没有联系人家啊?Did you go to the blind date your sister set up for you last week?/ Did you contact the girl your sister introduce to you last week?

第二句:要是不合适的话,妈再另外帮你介绍,但是你要先去和人家见个面才知道合不合适啊,是不是?If she is not your cup of tea, I could find you another one, but first, you should go meet her, right?

第三句:我代表去参加全省的十大歌手比赛?(疑问句)You mean they arrange me to attend The Singer Competition?


All the sentences are pretty Chinese mindset,
try to fine tune the meaning in English mode.

Did you follow up to make appointment with the lady who the sister suggested you last week?
If possible that Mum will give you other alternative, still you need to find out what your feeling to the lady.
3rd :
Who told you I will join the providencial top ten singing contest?追答

Thank you!
