

或者帮我翻译下面的话 拜托了啊 很急的

事件大体经过是这样的:2009年11月29日晚自习结束后,当时正在下大雨,为了避免被大雨淋湿,400多名学生同时涌向了离宿舍最近的楼梯。这时,最前面有两名同学突然停了下来,后面的同学没有止步,造成了前面的同学摔倒,后面的同学向前涌,结果一个压一个,致使8死24伤的悲剧在瞬间发生。在事故发生时,楼道内能正常照明,楼梯的宽度足可以让学生通过,这次事故时可以避免的 一是学校只安排了一名现场看守人员进行安全巡查与现场管理,难以监控全部下楼梯学生;










After the incident in general is this: November 29, 2009 study up after the heavy rain was in, in order to avoid being rain soaked, more than 400 students from the hostel also flock to the nearest staircase.At this time, top two students stopped suddenly, followed by the students does not stop, causing a fall in front of students, followed by the students to move Chung, the results of a pressing one, causing eight dead 24 injured in the tragedy took place in an instant .At the time of the accident, the corridor can be a normal lighting, the width of the stairs enough to allow students passed, this accident could have been avoided one school is scheduled to conduct a safety inspection on-site guard personnel and on-site management, and difficult to monitor all under the stairs students;

Second, the safety awareness of students is not strong, weak self-control, in the crowded stairwell, is a leading direct cause of the accident;

Third, because of rain, most of the students flock to the One with the dormitory near the dormitory stairs, resulting in increased traffic on the 1st staircase people, leading to incidents;

Fourth, the school does not conduct a similar emergency drills, there is no emergency lights installed in the stairwell and the warning signs.

In fact, such tragedies can be avoided. However, we also have a certain sense of self-protection and protection. So, we should do?

1, try to avoid the crowds, the last resort, try walking on the edge of the flow of people.

2, should follow the flow of people go, must not be going against flow forward, otherwise the flow of people can easily be torn down.

3, found the crowd to walk to their own direction, they should immediately lay to one side, do not panic, do not run, to avoid falls.

4, into the crowded, we must first stand firm, the body will not inclined to lose focus, even if the shoes have been trampled out, and do not rashly to mention shoes or bending over to tie them. Possible item, you can quickly grasp something solid and reliable moving slowly or stopped until the crowd is over, quickly left the scene.

5, if they have been pro-reversing the crowd, to try near the corner, the body curled into a ball, his hands closely in the back of the neck in order to protect the most vulnerable parts of the body.

6, in the crowd moving encounter stairs or staircase, try to grasp the handrails to prevent falling.
In short, in the face of similar incidents, we must obey the command, remain calm, to minimize the loss。