一般过去式 疑问句怎么用?请举例说明 !


英语语法大全--一般过去式的各种变法(否定,疑问句) [No. 1]否定句的变化:含有be动词的过去时,变否定句在was和were的后面加not。was not与were not可缩写成wasn’t和weren’t。如:They were here last week.→They weren’t here last week.含有行为动词的过去时,变否定句要借助助动词do/ does的过去式did,在did后加not放在主语后,并把行为动词恢复原形。如:He did his homework last night.→He didn’t do his homework last night.[No. 2]一般疑问句的变化:含有be动词的过去时,变一般疑问句把was/were提到句首,要求首字母要大写。如:They were at home last night.含有行为动词的过去时,变一般疑问句要借助助动词do/ does的过去式did,把did放句首,行为动词也要恢复原形。如:He listened to the radio yesterday.→Did he listen to the radio yesterday?[No. 3]特殊疑问句的变化:含有be动词的过去时,变特殊疑问句是先根据画线部分确定特殊疑问句,再把was/were提到主语前构成一般疑问句,并放在疑问词后。如:My weekend was great.含有行为动词的过去时,变特殊疑问句同样是先根据画线部分确定特殊疑问词,再借用助动词did构成一般疑问句,(行为动词恢复原形),并放在疑问词后。如:I went to Beijing last week.→Where did you go last week?巩固练习:一、用be的正确形式填空。1. The Kings _________ in Beijing two years ago.3. I _________ not at home just now.4. Bill and Jill _________ on duty yesterday.5. What _________ the date the day before yesterday?二、单句改错。——I go to the Great Wall.2. When did you went home yesterday?答案: