

第1个回答  2023-01-23


  许多句子在描述一个人或一件物品时往往会出现一系列修饰语;动词的修饰语, 即副词往往也会几个同时使用,构成平行结构,平行结构要求语法结构须保持一致,如:


  After school, we sang, danced and played the piano in the classroom.


  She is slim, tall, blond and beautiful.


  The students are listening to me carefully and eagerly.





  1.副词如:in, out, down, there, here, off, over, away, etc. 句子倒装。(完全倒装,但主语不能是代词)

  Down jumped the murderer from the tenth floor.

  In came Miss Green.


  Away she went!(她走了!)

  Here you are!(你在这儿!)

  2.only + 副词(介词短语)位于句首,句子要倒装。

  Only then did he realize that he was mistaken.

  Only by working hard can we succeed in doing anything.

  3.well, so, often, such, few, little 放于句首,句子形成倒装。

  So fine was the weather that we all went out lying in the sun.

  Well did I know him and well did he know me.

  4.否定词或具有否定意义的词及词组用在句首时,句子须倒装。此类词有: neither,nor,hardly,scarcely, rarely,seldom,not,never,not only,barely,at no time,nowhere等。

  e.g. — Jack could not swim.

  — Neither could Tom.

  Never have I seen such a good movie.


  Rich as he is, he spends a cent on charity.

  Try as he does, he never seems able to do the work beautifully.


  May you make greater progress! (愿你取得更大进步!)

  7.在虚拟条件句中,连词if省略时,句型要倒装,即将were, had, should等词提到句首。

  Were I you, I would go abroad to take advanced study.


  Should he come tomorrow, he would help us to settle the problem.



  Much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste, we are no longer free to choose the things we want.

  (NCE Book III Lesson 26)


  1. Not until the mid-nineteenth-century discovery of vast deposits of borate's in the Majave Desert ________ relatively common.

  A. borax became

  B. did borax become

  C. and borax become

  D. borax's becoming

  2. ________ received law degrees as today.

  A. Never so many women have

  B. Never have so many women

  C. The women aren't ever

  D. Women who have never

  3. ________ the Bob's belongings that he carried them in a bundle slung over his shoulders.

  A. Were so few B. Few were so

  C. So few were D. They were so few

  4. Only after a baby seal is pushed into the sea by its mother ________ to swim.

  A. how will it learn B. will it learn how

  C. it will learn how D. and it learns how

  5. Not only ________ a promise, but he also kept it.

  A. did he made B. he made

  C. did he make D. he makes

  6. Nowhere in the world ________ .

  A. travelers can buy so much beauty for so little as in Hawaii.

  B. no one can buy so much beauty for so little money as Hawaii.

  C. so much beauty can be bought for so little money in Hawaii.

  D. can travelers buy so much beauty for so little money as in Hawaii.

  7. No sooner ________ gone home than it began to rain heavily.

  A. had I B. have I C. I had D. I have

  8. Not for a moment ________ the truth of your story.

  A. he has doubted B. he doubts

  C. did he doubt D. he did doubt

  9. ________ succeed in doing anything.

  A. Only by working hard we can

  B. By only working hard we can

  C. Only by working hard can we

  D. Only we can work hard

  10. Never before in similar circumstances ________ .

  A. a British Prime Minister had refused to step down.

  B. did a British Prime Minister have refused to step down.

  C. a British Prime Minister did have refused to step down.

  D. had a British Prime Minister refused to step down.

  1. B 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. D 7.A 8.C 9. C 10. D






  ● 描绘性形容词主要用来描绘大、小、新旧、颜色、质量等。

  ● 限定性形容词主要用来限定所修饰词的数量、距离及范围所属等。


  a lovely girl, the naughty boy


  remain,go,turn,keep,stay, etc.

  The dish tastes delicious.

  The music sounds sweet.

  The milk went bad.

  小心陷阱 feel,smell,taste,look,keep有时可以用作实义动词,并可以用副词修饰。

  He looked me up and down carefully.

  I tasted the soup slowly to see whether it was salty.


  a river navigable(一条可通航的河)

  sight visible可见的景象

  person responsible(负责人)注意:responsible person(有责任心的人)

  the best way possible(尽可能好的办法)

  the number necessary(必要的数量)

  the people present(在场的人)




  示例:His mother has been ill for a long time.


  He is sick for a couple of days.(他病两三天了)

  He is a sick person.(他是个病人。)

  (2).某些以 a-开头的形容词。

  如:afraid(害怕的),alone(独自的),alive(活着的),asleep(睡着的),awake(醒 着的),aware(意识到的)

  The old man is alone in the house.(老人一个人在家。)

  The teacher is alive with enthusiasm.(这位老师热情洋溢。)

  He is asleep in his mother's arms.(他在母亲的怀抱中睡着了。)

  I have been aware of the difficulty.(我已经意识到了困难。)